
Should I go to the police with this?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, heres the story, I'll make it as short as possible:

I met this guy who my friend liked, I was 13 and he was 17 at the time. I started liking him too, and he turned 18 shortly after that (at the end of June.) We started going out in the beginning of July, and he was always trying to have s*x with me. The first time we came very close, he was on top of me with a condom on and we were naked (all with my consent) but I said no at the last second. He told me he was a virgin and he loved me and alot of other stuff to try and get me to sleep with him. I turned 14 and things like this still happened, the most I ever gave him was a handjob. I found out he was cheating on me with another girl, 16, and he had been having s*x with her. I believe 16 is the age of consent in my state, so not much we can do there. He's been doing stuff like this all his life I found out, but I think I'm the only underaged girl he attempted to have s*x with after he turned 18. If I turned him into the police, do you think it would matter to the court if I was just doing it for revenge, or would they lock him up anyway?




  1. They probably would investigate if you made a complaint, or if you told your parents they could make a complaint.

    If anything was to come from it, it would be a case of your word against his, and he could probably just lie and say that what you're saying never happened. So it would be very hard on you.

    I don't think it matters to the court if you make a complaint and you're wanting revenge if a crime actually happened (is this definitely a crime in your state?) but your credibility as a witness (which is all the evidence you will have I guess) could be affected.

  2. If you report the incident now and coupled with your motivation of revenge, your story would not be very credible...meaning your honesty would be put in question.  

    BTW you are too young, legally, to consent to s*x!

    Please find someone your own age.

  3. Not worth the effort nor the cost of an attorney.  Just learn your lesson and stay away from guys like this creep.

  4. Are you for real???

    You want to turn him in and mess up his life for ever Just for some of your immature teenage petty revenge??

    YOU are Just as guilty YOU laid up in there with your clothes off so How you going to place all the blame on him??

    Sadly they will lock him up revenge or no revenge but the sad part is that you are doing it for revenge what a immature petty think

    What you really should be doing is getting your life together and stop trying to be so fast before you end up with a baby or worse yet AIDS and dead

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