
Should I go to the principal since my son's teacher is not returning my calls concerning my son's grades

by Guest57928  |  earlier

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Should I go to the principal since my son's teacher is not returning my calls concerning my son's grades




  1. Yes, you should go to the principal.  If the teacher is not responding, it's time to talk to their boss.  But be nice...

  2. Go directly to the teacher before going to the principal.  You never know the reason for the unreturned phone calls.  Could be some really bad things going on in her life and while that's no excuse for not doing her job, you should try to be understanding.  Going over her head to the principal could cause some resentment toward your son.  It shouldn't be this way, but teachers are human too and not perfect.

  3. yes go to the school. They are usually too involved in their social lifes to have time to respond.

  4. I would call the office and have them set up a conference for you with your son's teacher.  I wouldn't suggest showing up there expecting a conference on the spot.  I have always had the best response by having the school secretary arrange the conference for me.  Give the teacher the benefit of the doubt with it being the end of the school year and how busy they are with tests, report cards, and such and consider that she may be getting swarmed with requests for phone calls. If you don't get a response this way, then I would request a meeting with the principal.  Good luck!

  5. I wouldn't go to the principal - I would send a note with my child requesting an appt. or I'd just go in after school and ask the teacher when would be a good time to talk to them.

  6. Email the teacher your concerns and cc it to the principal

  7. i had to do the same thing it does work you will be surprised at how fast you will get a phone call. dont feel like you will be one of those parents. its your child that needs the help and the only way that will happen is if the parents and teachers are on the same page. so yes give the principal a call


  8. That a tough question.

    If your son is in the lower grades I would pick him up at school or drop him off and ask the teacher at that time when we could schedule a meeting. If that does not work contact the principal.

    If you son is in the higher grades and the teacher will not return your calls. I would contact the principal.  

    As a parent you have the right to know what is going on with your son. If you don't know whats going on how can you help him.

    Good luck


  9. Go to the school and visit with the teacher.

  10. Go to the school if it has been several days. If it's only been one day or even a few hours, or his teacher is ill/away and he has a substitute teacher, though, wait awhile.

    EDIT: Karen A, what? Are teachers not allowed to have friends or something? When my mom was dating my dad (back in 1977), she was 22 and had just gotten a job. She was out on a Sunday night with my dad on a date and the crazy mom of one of her students called her apartment while she was out. It was "urgent" and she demanded to know why her 8th grader was failing (it was because he hadn't turned in an assignment). My mom got home at about 11 PM and decided it would be best to wait until morning. The next morning, she got to school to find the woman in her room screaming at her, and she still remembers her words exactly. The woman said "You stupid c*nt. You were too busy f***ing your boyfriend last night to give a sh*t about my boy's grade. I'm going to get your sorry a** fired." They were just out on a date to celebrate her birthday, and it was 9 PM on a Sunday night! If it was that urgent the woman would have called any time earlier. My mom was able to keep her job because the principal had issues with this mother before...

    You should be ashamed of yourself for saying that. I bet you're one of those mothers who calls the teacher and throws a fit when they don't return a call on a Sunday night in 2 hours.

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