
Should I go tomorrow or not...?

by Guest59297  |  earlier

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I am 18 I turned 18 on december 21st and since I was younger, I made a vow to myself to never become a gamble addict like the rest of my family.... wel, my grandma, aunt, and great aunt are all going to a casino tomorrow and they're begging me to go with them and even though I have no desire to go, I am getting tired of them asking me to go with them every 20 minutes or so....

what should I do? go just to get them off my back and tell them afterwards I didn't like it so they won't bug me about it again or should I just stand my ground?




  1. Uh...I'm not good at these kinds of things but...

    You can swing two ways:

    1) Face your fears and test yourself by going with them

    2) Stand your ground and take up abstinence. That way you will not crave what you have not touched.

  2. (Imight be to young to awancer this for u but oh well)well its up to u I bet this is very hard for u I like to think of gambling like cigarats u can't stop if its only once than I think that would be ok as long as u don't go crazy with money i bet that's fine also if its with your family I would. Again I bet this is hard for u but I probly would just for the sake of your family ( I bet this didn't help much u probly already thought of this but I hope it helped)

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