
Should I go travelling, or be sensible invest and progress...?

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So, to keep it simple. I'm 34, single, I have an ok job but I'm bored of it, I earn ok money, I own a small house with a mortgage, I'm about 18 months off paying the mortgage off. Everything in my life is "ok" - nothing terrible. But I want adventure, I want experience, I'm so bored of being sensible, but I know that I should get this mortgage paid off and invest money for the future, get a better house, work for a better job... But what if I wake up one day and I'm 60 with those things, but never followed a dream or took a chance. So... to travel, or not to travel. Any thoughts?




  1. Take small vacations - you can have a lot of adventure in a couple weeks. This way you can continue to pay your mortgage and such. When your mortgage is paid off, split the money you used to send monthly to the bank and put half of it into savings/retirement/investments and put the other half towards travel and adventure. Then you get the best of both worlds!

  2. travel when young, doing when your old is less fun

  3. Travel.

    You only have one life.

    Go to a museum. Look at the oldest things there. Imagine the person who created it, their life has been and gone so long ago... it's hard to believe they really existed... what do you think is more important? For that person to have had a good job, money and a nice house? Or to know that person really lived their life and took each day by the reins and went out and saw the world, experienced things?

    We want good jobs and better houses cos we want to be happy. Why not cut out the middle man and just be happy.

    Go travel.

  4. I travelled the world over 19 years and I say pack your bags.

  5. I have just returned from travelling and it was the best thing ever.  I want to go again. Rent your house out and go.

    I came back to find a family friend had died and they were  only 32 years old. Now that makes you think, you only live once and you may never get the opportunity to do it again.  

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