
Should I go with a certified used car, or a private party car like craigslist?

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Should I go with a certified used car, or a private party car like craigslist?




  1. Well, certified is only as good as the certifier. If you're at some dumpy corner car lot, certified means absolutely nothing. If it's a Chevy, Ford,  Mercedes, Lexus, Volvo dealer or something like that, Certified means something, and the benefits will be spelled out. You'll pya little more for a certified car, but I think it's worth it myself. You can buy a car from an individual, but you're on your own. A lot of people do this every day and have no problems. Me? I like warranties.  

  2. Certified is a better buy

    The car will have a warranty

  3. find a car that you like and take it to an independent mechanic to get checked before you make any deals with anyone

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