
Should I got to my doctor's with this?

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I have lower back pain on my right side. I also have partial numbness in my right foot. Been like it for 2 weeks now. Thing is, I don't like bothering doctors unless I'm on death's door step as they make me feel like I'm bothering them.




  1. If it'll make you feel better. Not much they can do for sciatica. They'll give you anti inflammatory (Aleve) pills and maybe some muscle relaxers. Stretching exercises will help.

  2. Sounds like a trap nerve to me maybe a bit of sciatica. Go see the doc and he will probably give you letter to go to see the psyiotherapist at the hospital who will probably give you some exercises. I have the same problem and the exercises really help

  3. Either that, or a chiropractor.  If you've done something to get your spine out of alignment, it can affect things all through your body, including your legs and feet.

    A chiropractor can adjust your spine so that these affects go away.  Medical doctors don't use those methods often (or tend to even look for those kinds of things as causes).

    Good luck!

  4. Never worry about bothering a DR. That's their living and the more people that go to him. The more expensive golf clubs he can buy.  (;-}

  5. Maybe your one foot is in the grave, that's why it's numb. It might be too late now, so don't bother the doctors.

  6. they are there for everyone to go to with concerns, just go and put your mind at rest

  7. Usually sciatica affects the lower back and foot as you describe.

    It will go away in time, anti inflammatories from your Doc with pain killers will give you some relief from the symptoms.

  8. I know exactly how ye feel about not going to the doc for fear of bothering them but the first lassie is right - sounds like a trapped nerve. No biggie for the doc really, but a h**l of a bother for you if ye don't go

    Best wishes ^_^

  9. Sounds like you have a disc pushing on a nerve. No one likes to go to the doctor but it is very important to schedule an MD appt--your body will thank you....the doctor will probably want to schedule and MRI.

    I have taken care of several patients with sciatica and pinch nerves to back and nerve damage does not always show up on the MRI--so do not get discouraged if this happens to you.

    Some people are against going to chiropractors but my patients felt relief immediately after seeing a chiropractor for a pinched nerve.

    Select a chiropractor wisely with a good reputation and make sure he performs x-rays prior to any manipulation to back. Good luck and hope this helps.

  10. go to the doctors now it could get worse so go now

  11. Yeah, please see a doctor. Don't let it get worse.

  12. Sounds like a pinched Sciatic nerve! You should go get it checked out before it becomes a bigger issue! It may only seem like an annoyance now, but as time goes by it can become debilitating.

    And as long as the bill gets paid, the doc won't feel as if you bothered him!

  13. go to the doctors I have the very same thing but affects all my left leg.

    Its a pain in the butt going but go as soon as you can. I left it for over 12 months now i'm on crutches and now I'm waiting to see what happens with the doctors

  14. Found this answer in a previous Yahoo question

    Q -Why do i have a numb foot?

    Why is my heel on my right foot numb? I don't smoke but do drink occasionally. I have recently had a bout of plantar facititis in the same foot.

    A -Yes you should return to the GP but it sounds as if there may be a slight nerve damage, or a trapped nerve. Until you get to your GP try gentle massage. of the area - saying that, do you suffer with back pain at all as it could be related.

    Either way its always best to go to the docs...i got bitten recently and didnt bother going to the GP as likewise, i dont like to bother them....turned out to be Lyme Disease! not nice.

    Get well soon

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