
Should I have a baby shower for my third child?I didn't have one with my 2nd and with my first my SIL threw..?

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me one. But everything got left behind in Louisiana after hurricane Katrina and we only bought our son a play pen. Would it be okay to invite the women at my church to a baby shower for me or is this selfish? What makes it okay for a person to get another baby shower if they had one with their first?




  1. Normally I would say that the only time you should have another baby shower is if the baby you are having is the opposite gender than the children you already have, or if it has been a really long stretch of time between children, like several years; however, under your circumstances I don't see why it would be a bad thing.  I'm sure the women at your church know that you were one of te victims of Katrina and that you lost everything so they would probably be happy to help out.  However, it is not usually customary for a mother to throw her own shower.  If you can, talk to a close friend and see if they would be willing to throw one for you or help you throw one.  Or you could wait until after the baby is born and have a meet and greet kind of shower.

  2. You could find a lot of information here on this site...

    Hope this could help!

  3. Women are having more than one baby shower now a days, but you shouldn't throw one for yourself.  It's not "completely incorrect" but it's not usually done that way.

    Maybe you can hint to your sister or church friends that you lost everything in the hurricane and could really use some help?  It's possible that event the church can come together and have people donate stuff.

  4. Considering your circumstances, I don't see why you can't have another shower.  I don't think you are being selfish if you don't have much left.  If you only register for big-ticket, fancy items, that would be perceived as selfish, but as long as your hoping for the basic necessities that sounds fine.  Keep the shower small and simple, be gracious and warm, and have a good time.

  5. i think there is nothing wrong with having another baby shower.  i had a baby shower with both of my kids, and i plan on having a third.  babies are exciting and it doesn't matter how many kids you have, a baby always needs something you aren't going to have.  you could also just have a diaper shower.

  6. I would wait to see if someone gives you one . i am sure you will get gifts anyway with our without shower best of luck

  7. Technically, someone else is suppose to throw you a baby shower.  Its tacky to host it yourself.  Its like saying, "Hey everybody!  I'm pregnant and I want YOU to buy me everything I need."  Surely one of those ladies at church knows your situation and will throw you a shower.

  8. Tell someone your situation and I'm sure they will understand.  It's not selfish if you actually need stuff.  I had a shower for my first and second child.

  9. It's absolutely ok to have a baby shower for your 3rd baby.  Are you throwing it yourself or is someone else throwing it for you?  It's in bad taste to do it for yourself, but under the circumstances, I would think that it would be ok.  My best friend is throwing me a baby shower and this is my 3rd baby (a girl).  I never had a baby shower with either of my other 2 pregnancies (both boys).  I'm sorry for your loss in Louisiana!

  10. im sorry but i have never heard of not having a baby shower for all your pregnancys, i would have one for all of them i dont think it is selfish at all.....what if you were to have a boy and then a girl after you cant put your boy clothes on a girl so obviously you need new baby stuff. i would say go for it let them throw you a shower it isnt selfish what so ever

  11. If one of the ladies ask you if you would like to have a shower, then fine, go for it. But don't throw one for yourself, and don't ask anyone to throw you one, unless you're extremely close or something. So people think you should only have 1 shower for the first baby and that's it. So if no one offers, then I'd recommend not having one or else they might think you're greedy later!

  12. yes it is fine for you to have a baby shower especially since of katrina. i lost everything in katrina so i kno what it is like. yea is is ok to invite the women from chruch. they will probably to happy to go . katrina makes it ok for you to have one. they have people out there that have baby showers for every kid and that is not right. you did not have one for your second child. do it give your self a shower. you deserve it. good luck

  13. I think you should have another shower, but not sure if you should put it on yourself, maybe your husband could mention it too one of your friends or a family member.  

    And it would be fine to invite the ladies from your church, give a list to whoever you can get to put on your shower of who you would like to invite

    I think every child deserve a baby shower, your 3rd baby is just as special as your first.

    Good luck

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