Ok i am only 21 and my bf is 30 and we have a 5 month. He is GREAT with the baby i couldn't ask for a better guy when it comes to that and we both want another one but I don't at the same time. I want one so bad, i loved being pregnant (even though i was sick the whole time) and i LOVE my daughter with all my heart but then thing is I am 21 and none of my friends have any and i don't know if having them close in age is good, I am just wondering if you guys have had 2 kids close together and if it was good or bad to have them so close in age. Also is it bad i want another one when we aren't married yet? I have so many thoughts in my head. I want one so bad but i have a baby all ready... I just love kids so much and so does he, but some of me says i should just wait.
If you had kids or know someone that had kids close togther what were the ages and what are the good and bad things about it.
Thank you so much for all your help!