
Should I have done something?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and i just started working at mcdonalds this week. today, a bunch of loud, obnixious boys came upstairs while i was cleaning the lobby. i went downstairs for a min and when i came back up, there was three cheesburger wrappers on the floor. i knew they did it cause there were a bunch of adults on another table and them. i asked them if they can pick it up and they said they didnt do and i just contiuned cleaning. i got mad so i went downstairs and told the manager what happened and told him to come upstairs. when we came, the wrappers were gone and they just smiled. the manager believed me cus he knew the boys and how they fooled around. after the manager left, they called me a snitch and made stupid noises. i'm so angry still..i feel like quitting everytime these things happen and i hate how people stare at me like i'm some alien when i'm only working




  1. 1. Do not quit over something as trivial as this.  Just remember that there are some people in the world who are just a**holes.  Since we can't banish these people to Mars or someplace, we just have to live with the fact that they are among us.

    2. People really aren't staring at you.  It just seems that way because when you're cleaning up, you sort of stick out a little among all the people who are chomping down their favorite McFood.

  2. yeah you need to let that stuff go or you need to find a different job. try retail.

  3. Every job has it's problems, you are just finding out the type of problems that come with working in a fast food environment. Can I just say, let your experiences motivate you to get the best education you can so that when you finish school you won't have to ask, "would you like fries with that?"

  4. I can feel your pain, McDonalds was my first job. Sadly yoru going to face people like these guys everyday. When I worked there I had just mopped floors when a family purposely got mud on their boots and walked all over the floor because it was *funny* and they knew I couldn't do anything about it. Look at it this way, believe it or not your going to meet alot of really cool, nice people who will totally make up for these losers. The best thing to do is ignore them, If you give them any attention your giving them what they want and in the worse cases it can cost you your job if someone complains. People aren't really staring at you, I've found alot of people are usually looking out the window or remembering their frst job *fondly*. Just keep your cool, act courteous and kind and really appreciate your customers that don't suck. Oh yeah, old people are the best so go the extra mile for them, they really appreciate a fast food worker that treats them like human beings =)  

  5. Yes you should have done something.  You should have asked your manager to ask them to leave.  More importantly, they needed to learn some manners.

  6. You need to stop getting so upset. You don't even know these people. Who cares what a bunch of immature, bratty, juvenile delinquents think anyway?  

  7. Face it, hun.  Girls mature sooner than boys.  I don't know why guys get such a kick out of making animal noises and acting like they are still in kindergarten but they do.  Be patient.  They will grow up eventually.

    You did the right thing getting your manager rather than making a scene with them.  

    Don't let others' stares make you uncomfortable.  You ARE working and you're making a paycheck.  You can be proud of that. Just know that they are staring at greatness and they are awed by it ;)   Congrats on your new job.

  8. tell them to clean up and leave if they aren't doing anything!!!

  9. Just keep your cool.  Be the mature one.  People who fool around like that just want your reaction.. little b*****s!  I know it sucks but just ignore them or smile and walk away.  Good luck.

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