
Should I have hiding places for my Ball Python's tank?

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I made a little "cave" for him but all he does is stay in there all day long. I want to see him and I am also concerned about him not getting adequate lighting...




  1. there should be at least 2 hiding places for your on the hot side and one on the cool side...also a water bowl on the cool side.  do some research on the web or get a book on ball pythons.

  2. There should be a hide on the warm side and a hide on the cool side.  They need this for security and to decrease stress.  It is natural behavior to hide all day and be more active at night.  Just take him out for handling when you want to see him.

  3. I'm no expert, but i went to a technical school for animal care. The snakes in the class would always stay under their half-log. If you want to see him just take the "cave" out, and put it back in after you're done.

  4. yes you should have a few. also a good ball python book. it would have answered this question for you.

  5. Ball pythons need lots of hiding places.

    If you wanted a pet you could see all the time then a BP isn't the best choice, they are very shy and only come out at night.

    Don't worry about it getting enough lighting, being nocturnal they don't need it

  6. yes         i gurantee that it would be in there almost all day.

  7. absolutely he needs hides. actually he needs two, one on each side. as long as you have a heat lamp and an under tank heater on one side an nothing (light-wise) on the other side you should be good. you can take you snake out when its in its hide. just be slow and cautious. make sure there are no lights on at night. only the under tank heater.

    email for any more questions

    good luck!

  8. definatly you should have at least two one on the hot side and the cold side. also a shedding branch. try turning down the temp and mostly likely he'll come out if that doesnt work hes in a too big of an enviornement or you should remove it.

  9. Balls are noturnal, and prefer to hide/sleep during the day.  They become active at night though, once the lights go out.

    I provide a cave hide for mine on one side of his 30 long tank(he's a young snake); a deep heavy ceramic crock in the center of the tank for drinking/soaking, and a heavy branch system on the opposite side from the hide.  He's content in his hide most of the day (unless he comes out to soak, or shed) but in the evening (once I turn off the lights on the other reptile tanks), he emerges to crawl all over his tank, and climb the limbs to test the security of the lock devices on his screen top.

    If you want a snake which is more active during the day, you might consider getting a cornsnake instead.  They tend to be more diurnal.  Though my corns are active during the day, still they spend long periods napping, and are more active at night.

    Maybe a snake isn't the right choice for you, if viewing the animal being active is your goal.

    I hope this has been helpful.

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