
Should I have my 7 month old daughters ears pierced?

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My daughter went to the doctors today and he gave her the go ahead. He said there is nothing to worry about its your personal preference. That made me feel better but its a unnecessary pain to her. I feel that if I was going to get them pierce now is the time. I had to get my ears done 5 times because I was older (about 5) and I kept playing with them. I took my niece when she was 6 months old and she did great! I just worry. I live in South Jersey and I was also wondering if anyone knew of a place that would do a great job! Thanks for your help.




  1. Well seen as it would cause her unnescery pain, maybe you should wait till its actually her decision. Then you will feel a million more times better! when she can speak and say she wants it done is definetly when you should do it because you never know she might hate it when shes like 20.

    i dont know why she would like but everyone has their personal preferences x x

  2. You could and I have seen several like that.  If you don't do it now, wait until she's 11 or 12 and then she'd know how to take care of it herself.

  3. ya i think you should, she'll prolly cry, but at least she wont remember the pain even after a couple days

  4. is this a religious thing? if not then why would you take upon yourself to make that decision when its not your body surely your daughter has the right to decide when shes old enough if she wants it done im sorry but to me thats child abuse

  5. I got my daughters ears done when she was 8 weeks. This way she won't remember and she won't touch them. She's three now and I never had a problem with her ears. So I think you should do it sooner rather than later. It isn't that painful. She will be fine. I gave my daughter some motrin about an hour before we went.

  6. yea my cousin got her's when she was like 3 months they are so cute but make sure u clean them nd take good care of them but they will look cute

    good luck

  7. sure why not- she wont remember the pain. If the doctor says it is fine than I would not worry about it.

    My mom did mine when I was 7 months old and my sister 3- we never have thought twice about it.

  8. its not as hard to take care of when they are younger.

  9. I wouldn't. If she really wants her ears pierced, just let her do it when she is old enough to make that decision for herself.

  10. I waited until My daughter was one, but I have seen new borns with earrings. As your doc said, its up to you :) The pain is gone within minutes, so if its something you want, then go for it :)


    For the answer a bit lower down... child abuse??? Heart attack?? Girly, know the facts before you spin some rubbish!!!

  11. Yeah my lil sister was about that old when she got them and shes 3 now still with earings yeah it would be a cute lil thing for your daughter to have

  12. My step daughter had her ears pierced as a baby.  My husband said he still remembers her coming home after getting it done and how she cried and cried.  Now she's 7, and her holes are too low... so low that when she's older I highly doubt she'll be able to wear big or heavy earrings.  Just remember that your daughters ears still have plenty of time to grow and change.

    And I wouldn't go as far as to say it's abusive to your baby.  But you should stop to think about how she doesn't understand everything going on right now... As mothers, we all know there is nothing more heartbreaking than that cry of pain coming from your own child.  But... It's not permanent, she'll eventually heal and forget about it.

    I got mine done when I was 7.  My mom and I were shopping and my mom asked if I'd like to get them done.  I was old enough to know what they were and whether or not I'd want to take the pain.  I remember how much i felt like such a big girl.  I was proud of myself, and my mom was proud of me for going though it.  It was a nice moment.

  13. you should off done it when she was 4 months. I did my daugher's when they were young. I put orjeal on their ear lobe so it wouldn't hurt them (5 minutes before the app) and it worked. They cried for 10 seconds. Now their over 1 and look adorable. Go for it. they will cry for a second.

  14. I think earrings look tacky on babies.

  15. 1. It's not your body to be making permanent cosmetic decisions about. Maybe when she's older she won't want holes in her ears. (My mom didn't.)

    2. The shape of the ear will change as she gets older, so that the holes may not remain centered.

    3. It's unnecessary pain to her for, let's fact it, the enjoyment of adults.

    4. You don't know how her body is going to react -- my body doesn't like *any* foreign objects in it, and has reacted with pain and infection regardless of how clean I kept my ears or what materials I used.

  16. no no no no please god no!!!

    it looks so unbeleivebly gross!!

    my boyf used to be a tattooist/body piercer and would refuse to pierce children.

    why would you do that when the child cannot consent??

    it's a form of child abuse.

    it can cause shock which in very young children can cause a heart attack.... is it really worth it?

    let them make their own decision about what they do to their ears

    i'm well into body piercing etc having 25 myself

    but it's about choice.... and with the child not giving consent its like assault

    there should be a law against it

    and it looks tacky as f***

    wow sorry for the rant but this is something i feel very strongly about!



    sorry michelle, i'm juat giving my opinion as asked!!

    thought that was the point of Y!A

    don't really think anyone will pay attention

  17. I wouldn't worry about it.  The pain is not that severe and she won't remember it about 5 minutes after it happens.  A great way to help is to take a sucker, or something sweet and as the minute it's done, give it to her.  She will completely forget about having her ears pierced!

  18. Sure, I don't see why not....

    Ask your pediatrician about ear piercing. They may have some info on reliable, baby-friendly ear piercers and may actually offer the service themselves. My baby's pediatrician does it for $20, so it couldn't hurt to ask for a referral if yours doesn't do it.

  19. I'd wait - it will be a lot of trouble to keep them clean, and keep track of the earrings, etc.... wait until she's old enough to ask if she can get them pierced.  Then it can also be a good lesson in taking responsibility for what one asks for (it will be up to HER to take care of them).

  20. Yes.  I got my daughter's ear pierced when she turned 1-year-old and she only cried for a few seconds, just like when she gets her vaccines.  Getting it done now is better than waiting, i think.  She didn't play with them and she only got one really small infection months later that cleared up quickly with the right care.  I would suggest getting them pierced at a pediatrician's office.

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