
Should I have my children do community service..

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike once a week? They are still young but I have been thinking about having them do it when they are older.

What do you think?




  1. I think that's a great idea.  Doing community service is an excellent way to build one's character as well as make a difference in the lives of other people.  

  2. I think it's wonderful.

  3. I don't know exactly what you mean, like state sponsored comm service like parolees? Hope not. However, its never too early to start instilling a sense of communal responsiblity in your children. Whe I was growing up, our church housed homeless families once a month in what we called interfaith hospitality. We would make little rooms for each family in our church school rooms and cook and serve dinner to them in the fellowship hall. They would move to different churches throughout the month until they got jobs or saved enough to get apartments. Kids could help with that. Or there is probably a place in your city where they sort and give away used clothes to the homeless and kids could help organize the clothing closet. Also there are many summer programs for youths to go and help build houses or repair and paint homes for homeless. Also, with all the disasters throughout the nation this year, they could get a group and go help rebuild in those areas or clear debris.

  4. sure if they want to, let them pick where they want to go, or maybe do a family thing

  5. Sure, but why don't you let them pick where they want to volunteer? I started volunteering summers at public libraries when I was 12, but different people have different interests. Some kids would rather volunteer at an animal shelter or pick up trash on the beach or something. If you let them be in control of what they are doing, they will have a more positive outlook on volunteering than if you just forced them into something they had no interest in.

  6. i never had my children do organized community service . what i always try to teach my kids is if you see trash or other problems you can fix then get a little exercise and bend over pick up the trash and deposite it in the proper receptical. when we go camping or canoeing we always leave the place better than we found it. it is very important to teach your kids to be good citizens weather thru an organization   or on your own community community service plan. serving the homeless is always a good way to teach your children empathy. picking up trash in the park is a good way to teach green is great. anything you do is better than nothing.

  7. ok well, i think it would be good 4 them. as long as they get 2 pick wat they're doing, it should be an awesome experience 4 them and it really doesn't matter how old they are, its actually pretty much better 4 them 2 start younger so they can warm up 2 the idea.

  8. Yep I agree it is good, teaches good giving values.  They might not like it, but if you make it fun for them then maybe they will be more positive in the act.  I don't think it would be good if you just dropped them off to have them do their community service, and then picked them back up later.  It also looks good on college applications, and job applications.

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