
Should I have my mom committed?

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For a few months now my mom has gone down into a deep depression. She has stayed with the father of her other children for 15 years now just because she thinks that is best for the kids. My mom and the father are divorced but still together. She has no desire to be with him but she has no willpower to leave him even though she hates him. She walked out on her job a few weeks ago, up until a month ago she loved her job. She hasn't been paying bills so her car got repossessed. Even tho she says they are staying together for the kids her own children are so tired of the drama that they are moving out. And that just depresses her even more. She sits at home all day laying on the couch watching TV and crying. She has talked about wanting to die many times in the past month. She has gone to the doctor and they gave her a stress test (she failed) and they put her on some meds but i don't think she is taking them. I have no idea what to do. My husband says have her committed because his mom killed herself about 5 years ago and he says my mom is acting the same way his mom was. And even if I should, how do you have someone committed?




  1. To have her committed , you'll have to have a psychiatrist examine her and determine that she is a danger to herself or others .... good luck.

       Sounds like clinical depression .

  2. No what you need to do is get her to see a councillor and take it from there.

  3. Talk to your Mom's doctor, and tell him how worried you are about her.

    If he won't help look in the phone book under "Mental Health" and see if there are some organizations who can help you to help her.

  4. I am so sorry about your Mom. She is exhibiting  signs of  severe depression. She very definetely needs help. First off, I would call a hospital and ask for the mental health nurses station and speak to a nurse about this and ask what your options are. Secondly, I would go to see her more often and fuss (gently) at her about taking her meds and let her know how important she is to you. Thirdly, Pray for her.

  5. The major cause of the depressive state you describe is when ones perception is that we are trapped in a helpless and hopeless situation. This of course is never true. We all have the option of changing our reality. That is the objective of counseling.

    I would suggest that to be the best answer to you question. I think committing her would only further complicate the issue. At least try counseling first and then if commitment is necessary it will be recommend. All my best.  

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