Last week my cat became ill. I woke up in the morning to find that he had vomited all over the floor. He didn't eat anything all day. He kept wanting me to hold him and I noticed that he had a foul odor and that he could not keep his balance. Sitting still he would sway back and forth. Later on that day he had saliva all over him mouth and chin. He was stumbling everywhere and meowing. I took him to the animal emergency hospital that evening. They did testing for feline leukemia and other infectious diseases. Everything came back negative. He didn't even have a fever. Although his white blood count was very low. Our neighbor cat died about a month earlier after he had gotten really sick. I thought that my 7 month old kitty had caught the other cat's sickness. I told the vet about it. He didn't know what was wrong, but he assumed that my cat had the same thing that my neighbor cat did. He suggested that we put him to sleep. My husband and I were going on vacation to Mexico the next day. So because of that I decided to put my cat to sleep right then. If we were not going out of town, I probably would have held out. The vet assured me that it was the right thing to do and that he probably would have died within a few days anyways. The whole time I had a bad he was just trying to get my money. My cat had current why would he have caught an infectious disease? I used most of our vacation money on this visit and he made me pay that night. Throughout the evening at the vet, my pet seemed to get weaker, and in more pain. It seemed like he had some difficulty breathing. I felt like it was the right thing to do until yesterday. I talked to my neighbor about her cat and she said that their symptoms were different. She didn't think they had the same thing. Then I talked to another neighbor. He said that his cat's had been sick and vomiting, but had pulled through and were alright. Did I do the right thing? Would my cat have pulled through? I can't seem to find anything online that explains my cat's symptoms. Does anyone know what he may have had? I am really hoping to find some answers.
Thank you.