
Should I have s*x tonight?

by  |  earlier

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Okay me, my boyfriend, his best friend, and his girlfriend were by his house and we were in the living room/den. We were joking around and laughing and they brought up s*x. I'm still a virgin and stuff and I thought about doing it but didn't cause I never mentioned anything but my bf best friend asked when i'm going to do it. I want to do it now because I am ready and stuff oh yeah I am 15 he's 17 should I do it or not?

Oh i'm by his house on my laptop.




  1. I wouldn't. It sounds like your being pressured and that is the worst reason to do it. You should wait and think about it some more.  

  2. I wouldn't do it quite yet. Sounds like your guy and his buddy have been talking. That was probably their sly way of bringing it up so that you would have s*x with him. I wouldn't just yet. Sounds a little too fishy.

  3. use protection.

  4. No. You're way tooooo young what are you talking about? You're barely developing.  

  5. don't do it just because someone brought it up.  s*x should always be something special, your first time should be that much more special. Do it only when the time is right for the both of you.

  6. NOOOOOO. theres a difference between what your brain wants and what your heart wants. ok maybe i shouldnt tell you what to do , but you decide if its the right time. really think about it, and realize that youll live with that decision for the rest of your life. good luck :P

  7. Do it whenever you feel ready, and that you are not going to regret doing it and losing it to him.

  8. your way to youn to loose your virginity

    you need to wait and make sure he's the one

    if your positive then always be safe you dont want to make a decision your going to regret

  9. Well, if you and your boyfriend are ready and willing to take a big step, go ahead. But do give it some deep thought.

  10. i dont think you should. if i were you id sleep on it...  because you might just want to because your being pushed into it and you'll regret it...   i know i did....  i wish i would have waited... i was my husbands first but he wasnt mine :(     sleep on it.    

  11. NO.... i think you should wait.

    you are still young, but if u do please wear a condom please

    protect yourself from any diseases or pregnancy.

  12. no don't have s*x until you are ready. but once you have s*x everything will change cause he will have gotten what he been after all that time. so do not have s*x until your are ready, but i hope that his when you are married and finshed with school  

  13. Don't fall into that. Don't throw your body at any guy that thinks your hot. You should wait until your older and more mature. People will respect you and you will respect yourself if you wait.

  14. that's a little young, and he's probably using you. you never know but if he dumps you right after, that's why.

    if you're question whether you should do it or not, i'd suggest waiting. you might regret it.

  15. No trust me you will regret it!!! Guys just want to do it and after they have gotten what they want they will not care about you anymore

  16. i wouldn't, age difference s*x relationships sound bad and if this guy is pear pressering you, then **** no (no pun intended) if he's just looking for a bun to put his hot dog than tell him to f off

  17. NO should wait., based on what you wrote you're not as ready as you seem to think.

  18. you should do it when you ready and know in your heart you love him and he loves you back.

    if one forces themselves onto you or even ask why you have not then I would ask myself ....... why am i be pressured?

  19. No. You're still a child. Wait at least another year. Trust me. It's not worth rushing into. My boyfriend waited 3 years for me.


  21. are you kidding?! do you really wanna have s*x with some guy that you'll probably break up with a little while from know, while your probably still a freshman in highschool and will probably get pregnant?! honestly...

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