
Should I have s*x with my teenage girlfriend?

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I'm 16 and so is my girlfriend, we've been together for the last 2 years and for the last 2 months she's been coming on to me (Rubbing my leg in class while now ones is looking, close to my area),(stripping to her underwear when she come over to hang in my room),(And once at her house, in her room she cryed and wimpered in her bathroom because I didn't want her pregnent.

I love her but I can't get condoms or day after pills what should I do?




  1. If someone has to put his feet on the ground, this is you, because you have shown more maturity than she did. Breathe and analyses provided, "you're ready for a big responsibility as you commit to a girl obviously immature, which is doing its utmost to have s*x with you without any control." If you know that is NO, then speak with her, but seriously. If she wants something  with you,  be patient and be smart, there's a lot at stake, including the future of both. Good luck.

  2. dont do anything until you can get contraception, why not talk to her and then you can both decicded what contraception your going to use and where you can get it from, why cant you get condoms! go into a shop that you don't normally go into and buy them from there! nobody will recongise you

  3. Are you ready for s*x?

    You dont sound too confident?

    Youre right to tell her that you dont want s*x without protection, she sud understand that.

    But i think, she might be getting a little upset. Maybe shes starting to feel like shes not good enough??

    Thing is if you are ready you can get condoms from anywer

    * the doctors

    *pub bathrooms

    * public bathrooms male and female

    *station bathrooms male and female

    * buy them from a shop

    Your girlfriend can even go to the doctors and get the pill for free.

    I think that youre not ready, if you were you wud have gne out your way to buy sum.


  4. do not have s*x with your girlfriend if you can't get access to condoms or day after pills.  you are risking getting STDs or getting your girlfriend pregnant!  if you think you are old enough to have s*x, then you are old enough to support a baby should that happen if you have s*x with your girlfriend!

  5. Get protection and always use it and have a blast, literally haha

  6. Talk to her about it, she might just be coming on to you for attention and may just be pretending to be ready, when really she isn't.

    Tell her she doesn't want to get pregnant at 16 she doesn't want to waste some of the best years of her life.

    Good Luck!


  7. get £3. go to asda toilets, get some condoms. ?

    is that really so hard?

    and if your both ready, I dont see why not?

    im with my girlfriend who's 16 and im 16 and we have s*x after 2 months together.

  8. yes u can get condoms, go see your doctor who will give you them for free, if you and your girlfriend visit the doctor together the doctor will tell you whats best to use, you girlfriend can go on the pill which is quite safe and the doctor may also give u condoms  

  9. if u really love this girl then instead of a condom use a balloon. i guess it will work and u r 16 dont do it. if ur girlfriend got pregnent at 16 and everyone found out u were the father it will be embarrassing. but if she wants 2 have s*x do it but when she complains if she becomes pregnent say "well u wanted to have s*x so dont blame me."  

  10. It is refreshing to know that one so young is taking responsibility in this matter.

    Your girlfriends actions are normal as she is obviously ready  for an intimate relationship with you.

    Of course the last thing you need is a teenage pregnancy. My advice would be to hold off and wait,as I don't think you yourself are ready just yet.

    However this is easier said than done,so why not go with your G/F to Family Planning or her Doctor and make sure you are both Protected before doing something  that you may regret.

    If you are as mature as you seem to be,you will not let your G/F pressure you into this without taking all the necessary Precautions First.

    Good Luck.Poppet.

  11. dude ur way 2 young to have s*x

    someone answer dis question 4 me plz

  12. Yes you can get condoms she can too! you can have her go to planned parenting and get anything you two need. Also there is oral and manual stimulation till o****m is achieved.

  13. You should NOT have s*x with your teenage girlfriend of course.  What's the great hurry? Jafty is right dude.

  14. have s*x with her

  15. i think if ur not ready then u should tell her that don't do something that u will regret later

    if she truly loved u then she would wait just like if u were the girl and she was the guy

    she cant make u do something u don't want to do beside she is to young be pregnant  

  16. You need to make it clear to her that you do not want to be sexually irresponsible - and that she needs to think long and hard about the possible risks.  You dont want to get her pregnant - and she should not want to take the chance of becoming pregnant.

  17. The first question is are you ready for s*x?

    Assuming that you are, and she is, I only have one piece of advice: Don't do it without a condom. You will regret it if you do because you will constantly worry about pregnancy - trust me, that is a scare you DO NOT WANT. Day after pills are not the answer as they are less reliable than condoms, and much more expensive.

    Condoms are not hard to get hold of - you can buy them in supermarkets or chemists, or even mens restrooms in some places. You'll be a bit embarrassed at first, but you'll get over it.

    O one other (less important) piece of advice - if it doesnt go well, don't go blabbing to your friends as you'll only hurt her feelings if she finds out.

  18. if u dont want to...dont because if you give in just for her, you will eventually resent her for this but if oyu do, simply go to the clinic and get soe for free or go to trojans website and order a free condom saple and it is mailed to you discreetly

  19. Well, you're right for not doing anything without a condom. Make sure she understands that it's because you love her that you don't want her to get pregnant at this age. You don't want her to become a mom, when she should be enjoying school. Becoming a mom at that age can ruin a girls chances of finishing high school, going to college and puts a strain on her parents. Remember, even a condom is not 100% reliable.  

  20. you seems that you are not ready..

    if you're ready..

    i think 16 could get a condom rite??

    if you think taht's the rite time..

    then do it but with protection..

  21. I think you know the answer and that is why you asked. You're being very responsible in not having s*x yet. You want to be absolutely certain that contraception is in place before you start having s*x together. If you're in the UK, 16 is the age of consent for all legal sexual practices, so having s*x wouldn't break any laws. However, it is recommended that for best health young people should refrain from s*x until they are 18.

    Whenever you decide to have s*x, it would be a good idea for you to use a condom, even if your girlfriend has said that she's on the pill or using other contraception. It's best to be doubly sure.

  22. you are clearly immature.  don't do it until you grow up.

  23. If you're not happy with it don't do it,  if you explain that it's not that you don't love her but you're not ready for kids or the chance of getting her pregnant then I'm sure she'll understand.

    Good luck :D

  24. Why can't you get condoms? Go to Brook! And she can go there too for the morning after pill etc.

    I don't think your ready for s*x as you don't understand certain things obviously. I'd say she's ready though. Talk to her but if you dont want to then dont.

  25. I think your girlfriend has too much going on to be having s*x.  It sounds like she wants to have s*x so she will get pregnant??  That is not a good reason to have s*x.  It doesn't sound to me like she is able to handle all of the emotions that come with having s*x.  You need to discuss this with her.  Find out what her motivation is.  At 16 her body is too young to even get pleasure out of it, so she should definitely wait until she is a little older.  I didn't start enjoying s*x until I was in my mid-20's.  And by the way, yes you can get condoms and she can get birth control at her doctor.

  26. First of,  I think you are a little too young,  but secondly I appluad your not doing it for fear of getting pregnant.  People are correct in anyone can go buy them.   or some gas stations have them in the bathrooms..

    but still I would wait a few more years

  27. She is to young. If I were you I would have her mum until she gets older.

  28. hard to say but hey good luck if you do her then if your on condoms birth control you should be fine but hard to say

  29. dude your gf is wayy to young to be pregnant. what is her deal?

    you're smart. you need to explain to her costs of having and raising a child, not to mention the mental and physical wear it takes.

    you should do as your doing and keep in your pants for a while. (at least until you can get ahold of condoms or she can get on the pill - the doctor should give you a bunch of condoms if you ask)

  30. Keep her safe from pregnancy.  I can't say s*x is or should be acceptable at your age.  But my eyes aren't shut and I would go for it.  But not without a condom.  If you're going to play grown up games play them with the responsibilities that go with it.

    Somebody should be able to get you condoms if you can't get them yourself.  The answer to your question, "Find a way to get condoms."  If you can do that, then the rest is up to you.

    Have fun and good luck to the two of you.

  31. Shes too young for having a baby, dont let her talk you into that at this point.

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