
Should I have to pay $50 to get my medical records from an info storage co.? My dr. closed his practice.?

by  |  earlier

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My doctor went to work for an HMO and closed his practice, and my medical records ended up at an info and data storage co. I changed doctors, but now the info storage co. says it will cost me $50 to get copies of my medical records (which I want to give to my new doctor)??!! Say what!??




  1. no dont do it you can go and verify at your clinic and they should give you another one less then that

    anyway dont do it and again you can get the tests done over if you want

  2. if you want them, you'll need to buy them.

    Are you sure you need them??? Ask your new doctor... Unless you're being treated for a serious condition, or have a disease requiring status checks & lots of visits, I think its probably a waste of $ and time.

  3. It is usually not worth it unless you had a lot of expensive blood work done just recently.  Most doctors will repeat the tests if it has been 6 months to a year.  You can recreate your history. Save the money.

  4. No you should not have to pay the $50 but if you want the records you will most likely have to pay the fee.  Good Luck

  5. If  you waited until they were put into storage, yes, there are fees.

  6. see if they will bill your health insurance for that, but first call your health insurance to find out if they'll cover it. or call your new doctor and see if they can request the records and get around paying the fee- you'll have to sign a HIPAA auth to allow them to get the records for you.

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