
Should I have to pay for a party i was invited to?

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I was recently invited to a bachlorette party. Which first I thought it was strange that I was invited because I dont know the person that well, so for me to get an invitation was odd.So since i was invited i have concluded that there must be a whole lot of people coming and not just her close friends. Now in with the invitation there was a note that said please bring 55.00 to help pay for a limo to drive us around. Is this normal? Then i was thinking how much could a limo cost that everyone needs to bring 55.00 thats kind of a lot for a bunch of people to chip in. I could see chipping in if a bunch of us got together to plan the party, and that what we wanted to do, but I am just an invitee...should I have to pay?




  1. I SERIOUSLY advise you not to attend it. Don't give any gifts. This is truly a gold-digging party. Don't even associate with this woman in the future.  

  2. That's nice you were invited, BUT if you don't know the person that well, and you are FORCED to pay $55, I would say don't show up.

    You got double negatives here.

    You are just asked to pay for the limo, gifts, meal..................

    It's like getting a bill for a service you didn't get, and for a party you don't know...................

  3. If it was me, I would decline the invitation if I didn't know the person that well and I couldn't afford to participate.  

    It's her party and she wants to go all out and have fun.  

    When a friend of mine was moving out of town, she invited a few people and wanted to have some fun and someone else gave her a special rate for a limo.  We did have to chip in some money to help with the rest of the cost of it which for us was only $10.  It was a fun time since most of us hadn't been in a limo before.

    Maybe you could just send her a gift or drop it off and then you've only spent $50 plus shipping if you have it mailed to her.

  4. I think that's really tacky for them to ask you to give any money, let alone $55!  I definitely would skip it if I were you.

  5. Yeah, that sounds awfully mercenary.  If I were in your shoes, I would definitely decline the invitation.  Either it's a really really expensive limo, or some people were singled out to foot the bill.  Either way, if it's out of line.  

  6. If you didn't´t throw up or did any burn marks in the car then you shouldn't be paying! I seams like a scam this limothing.  


  8. Very simple. You dont want to pay for the limo, then don't go. If you go, yes you should pay the $55 because it would only be fair to everyone else who is coming (since they are probably also paying). It is like a game. If you decide to play it, you should obey the rules no matter how stupid they sound. If you decide to attend, you are accepting to play by the rules. You can't decide to go and then show up without the $55. You can be assured of a miserable time as these girls will probably let you know.  

    it is likely that these girls invited you, even though you do not know the bride well because they needed more people to share the costs across. Think of that possibility as well and decide if you would like to go to such a party. $55 sounds like an awful lot for a limo unless they are getting a really expensive limo or just singled some people out to pay the cost or pay more than others.

    From all indications, it sounds to me like a real simple answer. Since you don't know the bride that well and you are uncomfortable with the $55, simple solution. DON'T GO!

  9. No you shouldn't pay to attend the party.  The cost of the event is usually taken care of the the bride/groom and their wedding party.  I would decline the invite.

  10. Usually the bridal party is responsible for the cost of the bachelorette party (not including YOUR food and drinks necessarily, but all reservation deposits etc).

    You shouldn't have to pay for the group activity.  

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