
Should I have to pay my 16 yr old daughter to watch her 8 yr old sister once or twice a month so we can go out

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Should I have to pay my 16 yr old daughter to watch her 8 yr old sister once or twice a month so we can go out




  1. Well Im 16 and I obviously wouldnt have a proplem if I was getting paid lol.

    Its not fair if she expects you to pay her every time  but i think if she was planning to do something else or watching her sister was somewhat of a problem maybe you should give her a bit of cash. but only ocassionally.

    You could make a deal with her, like you pay her every third time (like $10-$20) etc, but if she does a good job of it you should reward it

  2. That depends on your family dynamic. In my family, my parents paid for all our necessities: clothes, school fees, piano and dance lessons, etc. We were then expected to contribute to the hosuehold by helping with daily chores and by doing things our mother asked. Also, when we were old enough to have jobs, we were expected to save the money for college.

    Anyway, if this is the case in your family, then I would say she has a responsibility to you to watch her sister. However, if she is working and having to pay for all her own things (not out of allowance, but out of money earned), then I think you should pay her.

    If she thinks she should be paid, then talk to her about why. Only you guys and your daughter can make a decision that is equitable to all involved. If she resents watching her sister, she will do a terrible job of it, and that's not fair to the younger gal.

    Good luck!

  3. You don't HAVE to, but it's a good way to give her some sort of job experience.

  4. you shouldn't have too no.

    but don't let her get to the point where she resents her little sister and takes it out her on her.

  5. Technically, no, as she participates in the family.  However, if you increase the frequency, then yes, she should get paid.  The thing is, there comes a point when a kid wants to spend money themselves without having to tell mom how much you want, what you are spending it on,etc.  So there is an advantage to paying her as well.

  6. Yes I think you should. It doesnt have to be as much as a regular babysitter, but she still needs to be rewarded for staying home to help you. Maybe instead of paying her you can give her incentives. Like if you watch your sister tonight, you can go out with your friends one night, or I'll extend your curfew for one night. Even though it doesnt seem like a big deal, your teenager will want to be doing other things. You should show that you appreciate her with some extra money or a reward. If you dont, she wont want to babysit, and she might not pay as much attention to your younger daghter since she does not profit from the situation.

  7. Well I have a fifteen year old son who watches his younger siblings for us every two weeks or so and we do pay him. I think if you are asking them to stay in and do a good job and be happy about it, it is better to give them some incentive.

    Unless my son helps us out a little with the younger ones he is not allowed to go out at the weekend-so he knows the deal. Then we give him a little extra on top of his allowance in return for him sitting for us. We don't give him much and we never leave him for a long time but the money he makes pays for whatever he does with his friends on a saturday.

    I think it is only fair that for a job they get a little something in return, and it facilitates a night out for us.

    He does his fair share of chores around the house and doesn't get paid for them but I think  babysitting is extra and deserves payment.

  8. yes. if your going to treat her as a babysitter then pay her as one. 16 year old girls have better things to do than watch their younger sisters.

  9. you dont have to but its the right thing to do

  10. In a perfect, she should love to watch her sister. More than likely, she doesn't and would rather be out with her friends/boyfriend/whoever when you're out too. The money or some other type of benefit you would be able to give her (aka you watch her tonight then you can go out with "so and so" tomorrow).

  11. Personally I would say yes...because it is not her child,its her sister...and if you want to go out and she couldn't watch her then you would have to pay a babysitter...same mentality goes with your 16 yr old...between the time you leave until the time you return home she is technically the babysitter and I don't think she should have to watch her sister for free seeing as she could be out with friends during that time.

  12. gave birth to her and have kept her alive for 16 years...its the least she can do...

  13. yeah she should it is her sister her own flesh and blood and you do deserve some time for going out and haveing fun but it also depends on if she is mature enough to take care of her

  14. um no. you don't have a obligation to pay her neither should she ask to be paid [if she did ask]. She's legal to get a job if she wants to make money. Her sister is not her job...find a babysitter or remind her of the responsibilities of an older sibling to her younger ones...if you start paying her for this...then shell want you to pay for every other task.

  15. yes i would she dont have to watch her sister so i think you should pay her as if she was a regular sitter

  16. you dont HAVE to...but its being considerate.

    if she goes out with her friends once and a while to the mall or movies then she could earn money that way.

    she is giving her time. i believe in treating kids [even if they are 16] as equals...

    she is giving her time, doing you a favor. it doesnt have to be much but it will make her feel better about it.

    if you dont have the extra funds then maybe she would understand that and maybe you could pay her with some sort of favor??

  17. I say yes.

    She is 16 and has a life to and might not even want to , if she would be out making money.

    But she might do it just be nice.

  18. I would pay her by taking her to lunch or extra privledges as a thank you. But She should not expect payment, if its once or twice a month, however if she gets an alloance perhaps you can raise it slightly based on her babysitting contribution.

  19. Yes, 8 year old is your responsibilty if her older sister looks after her she should be paid.

  20. lol love the first answer.

    But i would, it gives her reason to want to do it. If you pay her it will keep things easy between the both of you as if you dont she wont want to do it and you'll probably end up arguing.

  21. Being the youngest, my sister was told to watch me, but didn't really, she didn't get paid either. Maybe if you want her to actually watch her, offer her a few bucks. When we were kids we got paid on a scale, dishes $2, vacuuming $4, yadda yadda, we basically came out w/ $20 a week. $16 year olds need money, cool clothes, make up, movies, concerts, ect...

  22. yes. give her my resbonsibility that way when she grows up she will know what work is like and how good it feels to get paid for it

  23. You shouldn't have to, however, she might be more patient and willing to listen/play with her sister if she is being rewarded for it. Whether it is being paid or just allowed to have some extra freedoms.

    Good luck! xoxo

  24. Yes you should.

    If a parent has a child its there responasbility to no that there going to need to look after it and that if you choose to have a child you need to make sacrifices.

    It's fine that you want to go out and have couple time thats good thats healthy but at 16 she probly has things she wants to go out and do to and it's not her child so yes you should pay her she is doing you a service.same as if some one came and cleaned your gutters youd pay them because they are doing something for you.

  25. You don't HAVE to, but it would be a nice way for you 16 year old to learn a little responsibility, and she would probably be much more willing to babysit knowing she would get a little cash. Also, remember that though, at 16, she may seem old enough to watch a younger child, it really is a huge challenge for a lot of teenagers to care for a younger kid. They don't know what they are doing, even if you think that they should have enough common sense to do a good job. Give her a little money....say 10 dollars for 5 hours of babysitting, it's not much, and she will have learned the art of developing good work etiquette, and the great feeling you get of getting the money after you have worked so hard.

  26. I think it would be a nice thing for you to do.  I am a lot older than my sister and I remmber having to babysit her.  I used to get angry because she was my sister and not my child.  A sister is someone you are supposed to play with or go shopping with, not babysit.  So I think it is nice if you offer to pay your daughter to babysit her sister.  It will stop her from resenting her sister and obviously it also gives you the time to go out!

  27. I'd say reward her sometimes, but like if she had plans and you decide your plans take precidence, you should probably pay her.

  28. no, she is a part of the family and such should help out. But make sure you check the date in advance with her to make sure she is not doing anything that night. An 8 year old is pretty self sufficant. There isn't too much for her to do. As a family you help each other. As a parent you do a lot of things for her. It is not too much to ask for the favour to be returned.

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