
Should I help an upside down armadillo that's on the road?

by  |  earlier

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Now I really don't know how big armadillos can get, but this one is pretty big. Whenever I see it, it's always crossing the street (small residential subdivision). Well this morning I saw it upside down and struggling to flip over. As I slowly drove passed it I noticed another vehicle had turned around. I'm guessing to help it, because I didn't see it on the road after going back within the hour- just wanted to know if it's safe for me to try and flip it over myself.




  1. sure you should, it wouldnt hurt you to help it

  2. Flip him over please, you won't hurt him. Almost like flipping a turtle!

  3. Well like with all animals you should handle them with extreme caution. It would have been nice for you to do such a nice thing but you would have put yourself in risk. it could have diseases or could have bit or attacked you if it though it was necissary. Even though I have never heard of someone being attacked by one.. Better safe than sorry!

    So personally you could have it was your desicion.  

  4. Sure.  Someday, it may return the favor.

  5. Grab its tail and move it. It was seriously injured or it would have flipped itself with ease.

    They don't bite.  They have small dull grinding teeth. It might kick you with its back claws. Dull but still a very powerful kicker.

    They do carry leprosy. I have never heard of anyone catching  it from oe but if your immunee systme is compromised I woudl stay clear.

  6. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!, they bite and it is very nasty.  It will find  a way to flip it's self, they do it all the time.  They carry rabies, and all sorts of disease. I now its had sometimes, but nature as its ways of taking care of things.

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