
Should I help her shave at 8?

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My daughter is 8 and she has very black, thick hair on her legs and the kids at school are teasing her terribly. I normally would think she should wait until age 10 or so but I'm worried about all the teasing and her self esteem. Should I help her shave?




  1. sure if she's being teased. but i agree...maybe u should use Nair or something like that to be safer. Nair smells bad though so try Nair Pretty Lotion from CVS, walgreens, etc.

  2. sure! there is nothing wrong with shaving at this age when its an issue like that.  Honestly, there isn't.  If she would feel more comfortable, then go right ahead. But just keep in mind, that since it is thick, black hair, she'll probably need to shave every day or every other day to keep it down, which could be a hassle.  But its totally up to you and her- this is more for her self esteem

  3. i say yes...i was really hairy, too and made fun of. use an electric razor and help her...good job mom!

  4. maybe you could try nair or something like that.

  5. go ahead my 8 and 10 shave and use nair it just depends on her

  6. Personally, I don't think you should get your daughter into the shaving game yet. Because she's so young, you'll have to assist her every time she does it, and if her hair is as bad as you say, you'll probably have to do that at least three times a week. That's probably not the best use of your time. Have you tried Nads? It's a chemical-free waxing system that you can get at the drugstore. If it doesn't work too well, take her to a professional salon to get a real wax--it's more expensive and a bit painful, but the hair stays away longer, and if you wax frequently, the hair actually becomes thinner. I've tried products such as Nair, but I don't think they work very well. In the end, I think your best bet is waxing. For the times in between waxings, buy her some cute tights and leggings. =)

  7. I would let her in her case, however you know how much of a hassle it is to keep up with!  To keep her from shaving every other day (I hate doing it, I can only imagine an 8 yr old!) she can wear tights or those cute leggings that are back in style now when she wears a skirt or dress

  8. If she needs to shave, go ahead.  Or maybe use a depilatory so the hair growing back won't be scratchy.

    If your boy were growing a beard at an unusually early age, would your refuse to let him shave?

  9. My daughter is ten and her hair was dark and thick, too. I just started shaving it because it's getting warmer out. I bought those pink double bladed razors and silky soft girls shaving cream and I shaved them myself. She also started getting pit hair, which I had to shave. She didn't get any cuts from me shaving her. Go over the legs twice- because the first time shaving won't take all the hair with just a once over.

    With little girls the hair grows back soft- not like ours darker and thicker. It actually grows back a little lighter at this age and you should only have to shave once every couple of weeks.

  10. Maybe try those women's electric razors?  That's what my mom started me out on.  They are safer than razors.

  11. just let her wear long pants or something that cover up her legs... for me, i think its too young to shave at 8. wait 'til she grow up a bit..

  12. i wont let my daughter start shaving till she starts her period... but since your baby is being teased.. your right it might be time to nair!!!

  13. i would recommend taking her to a salon for a wax.  I know it is painful, but you don't have to have it done that often, shaving can be dangerous, and nair can burn the skin.  also, with waxing the hair grows back lighter and thinner.

  14. That must be terrible for you. I'm sorry. Shaving might not be the best way to go at her age. Perhaps waxing? Or even better, bleaching. Going somewhere professional to have her leg hair bleached so it's less noticeable. But, everyone knows children at school pick on anything. I was teased because of my moles. Something now I don't actually care about personally. Is it that your daughter dislikes it? or that she's just being teased? Perhaps she just needs to gain the confidence to say, you know what? I don't actually care. Are there not other ways? Perhaps wearing trousers instead of a skirt, so children wont even rememeber, or see. Perhaps that's the only issue. So that when she's a little older she can shave by herself, and because she wants to feel older, feel grown up, and not because she's being pressured by children at school. I know it's hard as a parent to watch your child being humiliated like that, and as a parent it is your choice as to which way you target this. Do you take away the reason they tease, or do you teach your daughter how to love and respect herself, and disregard people who don't?

    Good luck.

  15. I have 2 girls 7 and 9 and yes if they had a lot of hair and were being teased I would help them shave without a doubt. You could just try an electric shaver, but sooner or later she will have to learn with a razor anyway. My oldest is starting into puberty and I have told her when she wants to start shaving her armpits or legs I will help her. My husband also agrees with me on this, he does not want her teased. Luckily she has blond hair.

  16. Kids can be very cruel , usually i would say no, but this could cause all kinds of thoughts in her head. So mayb you should but try and use one of the ones that dont invovle a blade. Im sure they have ones where you rub on then scrap off .

  17. wat r u waiting for yesss help her shes only 8 shes dosent know shes a child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Nair would be much safer, or a wax in a salon would last much longer.

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