
Should I home-school my (Australian 6 year old year 1) son?

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My son is a bit precarious and he's always enjoyed learning. His classroom environment is not enriching his enthusiastic and exuberant personality. He "interrupts" class because he does yoga to flex during the day. The teacher said he's 'always rolling around on the floor'! What does that mean? I'm seriously considering home schooling our kids. We'll be probably doing them a great disservice if we allow his teachers to disallow his creativity and natural life flow... flo. Advice from home school / public school / private school advocates please.





  1. Perhaps you should home school him for a couple of years,

    until he can contain his exuberance.  I realize it its difficult for some extremely young students to sit still for a great length of time.  That's  why I have always thought that plentiful play and recess time should be mandatory for grade-schoolers.  However,  at some point, he would hopefully learn to function within the 'norm' as far as self-control.  After all, it does take self-control, and a good deal of it, to be a well-functioning adult.

  2. Home schooling has there advantages but also extreme dis advantages children learning to talk and eventually learning how to behave is also very important i have looked up on this once and found that home schoole children usally do have relitivily high grades but there later lif employment rate is low because they are simpily poor comunicaters

    There are many methods you can try but dnt take away the childs child hood cand possible communication skills to do it the troublesom ones like that always turn out to be the best talkers in later life.

    Look up on a lot of people youll find that a lot of the most famous were the same as children an ability to express yourself isnt to take for granted.

    theres one thing that needs thought about did home schooling teach them self controll or just make them loose the ability to communicate and express themselves.

    Good luck in whatever you do :)

  3. i am a teacher and i strongly believe that homeschooling a child puts them at a great disadvantage.  there is nothing wrong with your child showing enthusiasm and exuberance, but your child needs to learn that we dont do that all day.  there are times when he has to sit quietly and do independent work.  when the teacher says he's always rolling on the floor, its because thats what he's doing.  dont be in denial.  this type of behavior is unacceptable during certain times of the school day.  that doesnt mean the teacher is disallowing his creativity. he's 6, he should be able to distinguish between appropriate and not appropriate behavior.    speak to your pediatrician.

  4. I am 23 years old, expecting my first baby in a month, and I have a lot of family experience with public schooling, home schooling, and board schooling.  I have over 40 cousins.  Half of which have been home schooled, the other half going to public schools, and a 4 who attended a boarding school.  Out of all of us, the public schooled children were the most socially advanced.  Those who were home schooled were the most academically advanced, but were somewhat awkward in social situations.  They are very quiet and look uncomfortable when I try to have a conversation with them.  I also have some cousins that started out as home schooled and then went to a public school.  They started out socially awkward, then once they associated with kids their own age again, they were much better in social situations.  Also, those who went to a boarding school HATED it and begged to leave.  

    If you think your son would do better at home, it may benefit him, but I wouldn't recomment it for his entire elementary and high school education.  You may want to think about it for his younger years, but send him to a public school for high school and junior high school so he can have a better chance for college.  It's much easier to prepare for college when you're in a public school.

  5. Only you can answer that question. IMO home school is a GREAT alternative to regular public school.

  6. We're under the belief that children learn best through hands-on learning and not sitting for 6 1/2 hours a day at a desk, and THEN coming home with another two to three hours of homework.  That's why boys are more likely to be labeled ADHD.  It's not the kids' fault, they just aren't designed to learn in that system.

    I think homeschooling is a wonderful thing to do, if you plan on putting all your efforts into it.  Don't just assume that you can buy some DVDs and plunk him in front of a TV to learn.  He needs to learn by DOING things.

  7. I think it is great that you allow your child to express himself and be creative...every child needs this... but on the other hand I feel that school teaches children alot about what is acceptable behaviour and self control . Maybe speak with his teacher and somehow meet in the middle. I am neither for nor against each their own, but I prefer my child in a public or private school as socialization and other public ettiquete (sp) is very important for them to learn.

  8. I have a friend who homeschools and I want to do the samething. I went to public schools and hated it. The schools around here I would not send my child to. People get the wrong idea of homeschooling and think we never take our kids outside. Well my friend goes on field trips, her kids are all on sports teams. They even meet once a meet with our children and do different events like science fairs, spelling bees just like the stuff they would have at school only at a pace that is perfect for your child. I have noticed that homeschool is more hands on which my son loves. He is not old enough but I laready take him to the library twice a week, the museum once a week and to tons of events for his age with other children so he is around kids his own age. If you do homeschool remember to still have him around other children and there are tons of sites that can help you.P.S my friend's oldest daughter is in a great university and doing good there

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