
Should I home school or not?

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Since working in a school I have seen very well balanced kids turn nasty. I blame the school system for allowing parents not to let us raise our voice, put kids in time-out, send the in the hallway. They have taken away all discipline. I have worked very hard to set rules and boundaries, which every kid should have, to just have it taken away from some body's kid who doesn't have rule or boundaries. Kids follow their peers, and sometimes parents won't except the fact their child acts up in school because they don't at home. I'm ready to quit my job and home school. Do you think it's right to have to ignore a kid when misbehaving because because there is nothing you can do, even if they are picking on another kid to tears or bluntly not listening and telling you they don't have to listen to you or do what you say?




  1. You should homeschool. Nice post!

    Best of Luck!


  2. I think homeschooling is a good option if you're unhappy with your child's school.  Your child will learn as much and won't suffer.  The issue of discipline is a societal one and not just about schools.  Until recently parents always (and sometimes wrongly) assumed that the teacher was always right. If they got a call, the child had to do the explaining.  Now many parents believe their child is always right.  They complain if the teacher raises their voice, puts the child on time-out or disciplines their child in anyway. I've seen relatives and friends react this way.  I don't think it's right for the teacher ignore misbehavior, and parents who choose the schools whose children behave correctly must insist that there be order in a school situation.  Too many people in our society want no disagreement with their opinions.  If their children act up, they argue that their child must be right because they see their child as an extension of themselfs.  You can't disagree with a political, religious or other view, or they'll call you names.  These people are raising kids who are just as defiant and difficult with others, whether they put them in school or homeschool them.   By the way, "hi" to whoever is giving everyone thumbsdown - we don't all have to agree.

  3. no your children will be excluded once they reach college/university level and they may grow to despise you as you are around them 24/7 they probably won't be ble to socialise as effectivally

    just make sure your children that they know the rules and comply with them there will be misbehaving people every where in the world and when your children get into the real world they will have a very nasty suprise in store for them

  4. I think if you feel the public school is failing your child, then certainly consider homeschool as an option. Private school is another option, or you can speak to the principal or school council for more action in regards to this matter.

  5. I think that you shouldn't home school because it helps your child socialize and learn how to be on their own without their parents. If your child is always with you their going to build an insecurity when your not there and what will they do when your not there for them in the real world? The will panic. I know kids that go to public school have turned bad, but thats just a part of parenting. A good parent can be able to teach their child to be trust worthy when their by them selfs.

  6. I don't think it's right to have to ignore a child that is misbehaving.  I think that's the main reason public schools are failing.  Teachers must spend the majority of their time dealing with discipline and "crowd control", instead of actually helping the kids learn.  The individual attention homeschooling provides is what makes it such a great option. It's definitely worth giving a try---if it doesn't work out you can always return to public school.  But if it does work out, it can be the most wonderful experience for you and your child(ren).  I started homeschooling my son when he was in 5th grade because I saw how lacking our public schools are and I wanted to make sure that he had the best education possible.  Colleges absolutely DO accept homeschoolers---in fact they have realized what good students they are and actually seek them out now!  Socialization is a tired argument against homeschooling. Kids "socialize" by being out in the real world among people of all ages---not by being stuck in a room with only kids their own age!  And with the amount of homeschooling groups and activities available you will never lack for social opportunities---trust me!  For some great info, check here:    

    Research the internet, talk with your kid(s), then give it a try.  

    Have fun!  =o)

  7. I don't know how old you kid is but maybe a compromise like I go to a home school/school thing that is two days a week and you still get social aspects but you also have alot more say in what you child can do or should do.Like at mine if my mom thinks that the assignment is to hard she can make it easier or harder if she thinks its too easy and they also let us take off if we want to and our parents can extend our homework or have it not count for our grade.We also have uniforms to take a way the pressure of how everyone dresses and it has many strict rules like we are not allowed to give close hugs on campus there are manhome schoolol/school things like that and are less strict or more strict and I am sure you could work there too if you wanted to and keep an eye on everything and you still get to spend the quality time with your kid that you would get if they wercompletelylhome schooleded.there are also many other ways to get social aspects like church,camps,choirs,music lessons,sport teams,and alot more.

  8. NO Homeschooling is terrible. Believe me you'll be much better off by doing the responsible thing and STAYING IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!

  9. Yes, home school if you can.  Although public schools are good for many things among them socialization, the education can be much greater if you homeschool your child.  You can take trips to educational sights that your child might never get in school.

    Also, try to get your child involved in other things such as sports and/or scouts so that they have the socialization with peers of their same age.

  10. yea youre right so i believe that u should home school it would be the easiest 4 u

  11. I totally agree with u the schools suck. While there are certainly are some very good teachers ( i know some )around the bulk and the system is money sucking c**p i have worked in them as well and when i have kids they wont go in them after the way i was kicked around

    That said my only reservation is that kids miss out on the social conections with other kids. My advice maybe a private school ( which thanks to getin raped on school taxes ) i could never afford or perhaps finding a group of like minded parents in ur area and creating an informal school or at least arranging for ur kid to play alot with other kids cause that will matter

    Also be wear of what govt wil try Ca tried to make home schoolers get teaching lic. I hope and think that facist nionsense went down the drain. Also i a not sure to what extent the college system discriminates aganst home schooled children as somene suggested may want to reseacg that before deciding

  12. we love well as thousands of others!!! there's tons of info and help out there when you make the leap. watch the relationship between you and your kids grow and change like you never thought it could.  

  13. I hesitated to answer the question because you have so many good answers so far.  (You have also received a few from people who need to get an education on lifestyles in the present era.)

    I decided to answer because my husband and I are both public  school employees and we homeschool our son.   We are classified employees, not teachers.

    My husband's reason for homeschooling was because of the discipline issue.   He had a culture shock reaction when he started in the school system 3 years ago.

    My reason for homeschooling is academic.  Our son was tested for learning disabilities several times during his public school years.  He was not learning.  The results came back that he was performing at his ability.   Every teacher, every year,  told us that he learned well in tutoring and small group settings.   The public school supplies that attention in lower grades but not in middle school and high school.

      Financially, homeschooling was the only option for us.    It works for us and we saw results within a few weeks of teaching at home.  We got to know our son better.  We learned what works for him and were able to create a curriculum that makes learning painless and effective.   The professionals were wrong.   They did not know his potential.   He is learning now and I think he will be a life long learner.

    He knows how to learn because he knows how to read and understand what he is reading.  He knows how to find answers.    

    We can concentrate on one student-our son.  

    We know your frustration because we still work in the school system and we still deal with trying to work within boundaries that change from one student to another.     The public school system needs an overhaul.   I think that is one reason that many schools are offering distance learning and other options.   They see that homeschooling works but don't really get it that homeschooling works because a parent is responsible and focused  on the education and conduct of their own child.

  14. no, California never tried to make homeschoolers get teaching certificates.

    whoever gave me thumbs down doesn't know what they are talking about.

  15. No, I don't think it's right to ignore a child, especially if they are harming another child.  That being said, it's like you already stated: they're not much you can do anyway.  It's kind of a lose-lose situation.

    Homeschooling worked out great for my family and the hundreds of other homeschooling families I know and have met.  

    Don't listen to the other people who drag out the homeschooling=no socialization c**p.  It's been gone over hundreds of times here and in the everyday life of homeschoolers like myself who were/are involved in things like:





    Volunteer work

    Political campaigns

    Music lessons


    Field trips

    Homeschool group dances (prom, homecoming, etc)





    Co op classes

    Study groups

    And so much more.  

    Homeschooling does take a lot of hard work and organization.  If you are worried you won't be able to handle it, find a homeschool group in your area and talk to some of the families.  As for college, you basically have a better chance of getting into college as a homeschool student than as a public school student because colleges simply love homeschoolers!  

  16. There is a lot of benefits to homeschooling. One of the best is the fact that we do not have "socialization". I often get the question about "socialization" in regards to my homeschooled child. Keeping my child from the unsocialized public schooled kids is very important to me. Most kids can't socialize with others outside their immediate peer group! 3rd graders only play with other 3rd graders-6th graders wouldn't be caught dead with anyone younger than they are(how uncool!) And 1st graders never participate in a reading assignment with a 4th grader. This happen all the time with home schooled kids! Just ask a public schooled kid a question...did you  get an answere? Did they make eye contact? Did they speak with ease even though you are an adult whom they do not know? Now try the home schooler...they can. Why? because they are better socialized. Why? Because we do not lock them up away from other people all day. All day long,for 9 months schooled children see only the same people that they saw last year(s).

    We get out and experience  the best stuff.

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