
Should I homeschool for the rest of the school year?

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I'm in 8th grade and I get into a lot of trouble at school. I get in trouble for stupid things like putting my bookbag in the bathroom (I got two weeks of lunch detention for that) or telling a girl not to sit with me at lunch because I didn't want to argue with her and cause a scene (I got three weeks of lunch detention for that). Next time I have to go to the office, I'm getting suspended for the rest of the year. I'm just really fed up with it as is my Mom, she wants me to homeschool for the rest of the year and go back in 9th. Should I or no?




  1. no and it is to late to home school stay in school and wise up

  2. Well first, your school songs horrible! Detention for a backpack in the bathroom?!? Im in 9th grade now, and I wanted to be homeschooled for different reason but I kind of see where your coming from.

    I started homeschooling in 7th grade, it didnt work out to well so I went back in 8th grade. I started 9th grade at a public school but decided to try homeschooling one more time. As of right now I think its great. You always hear from people how they get made fun of for it and stuff, but everytime I tell someone im homeschooled they react completely opposite. I get "Really?!!" "Thats so cool" ect..

    I would give it a try if I were you. And who knows, maybe you'll even like it more then public schooling all together.

    I think a few of your advantages though is that you previously were at a school before, so your maturity level is probably around the same as everyone else you age, and you have friends all ready. It helps alot to be in school before you start to do it at home.

    Hope I helped.

    Good luck.

  3. this info might help you make a decision

  4. It has been said here on YA before in response to a similar question...

    Homeschooling should be looked at as a long-term option, not a short term fix.

    What makes you and your mom think that things will be any different next year?  Is it because you will be in high school rather than middle school.  You might not want to count on that.

    If your family can swing it - I'd say go for it!  But, think about homeschooling all the way through high school.

    Do your own research rather than just listen to the nay-sayers. Homeschool kids do better on college entrance exams and do get into college - including Ivy League.

    Find some local homeschool groups in your area.  Talk to them - you will find them very helpful and supportive.

    Just search on something like: "my town county homeschool support group" and you will find them.

  5. If you are getting suspended till the end of the year you might as well home school, however how many other schools are there in your area? Maybe you should try one of them to see if you do not get into trouble as much as at your school. Although there are some advantages with home schooling the lack of socialization often proves to be a difficult one

  6. Homeschooling isn't as bad and boring as it sounds. I think you should homeschool for the remander of the year and decide if you'd like to return to traditional school. Being homeschooled trains yourself to become independent and it matures your mind. I know this from personal experience because I am homeschooled.

  7. yeah if it will help u

  8. I would recommend it.  Unfortunately, the US public education system is in shambles.  It is a unionized monopoly which focuses more on test scores than learning.  The major drawbacks to the public education system is that the administrators and teachers for the most part simply are not able to provide the attention children need, so for the most part they give up and discipline through harsh punishments rather than trying to resolve conflicts or listening to why a certain action was taken by the student.  

    Home schooling is also a great way to explore what you want to learn in depth, and it allows you to learn at your own pace and in your own way.

    EDIT: ssally6 the lack of socialization is a common misconception about home schooling.  This criticism stems from the idea that your child’s ability to relate with others is hampered, if not disabled when he/she is absent from a regular class setup. A related (and rather alarmist) issue is that the child may grow up to have anti-social behavior that could threaten the community.

    Unfortunately, when people throw around terms like “socialization” without fully understanding what the concept means, a lot of truth can be misinterpreted and therefore lead people into thinking things that are not necessarily true.

    Socialization is the process of introducing an uninitiated member of society to the norms and habits of the society he is to be part of. For example, if you were to go to a foreign country with a culture different from your own and if you wish to be accepted, you would need to be socialized and taught how to behave in that society.

    In this case, your child is a young member of the greater society you, as a parent, are already part of. It is your responsibility, as the child’s first and immediate contact with the world, to afford him/her the ways to learn how to behave properly.

    Given this viewpoint, consider the kind of “socialization” that takes place in a traditional school environment. Children are grouped by age and are cooped up in a room for 6 to 7 hours. Time spent away from the classroom is usually only an hour long. The kind of contact they have with adults is confined to the kind of teachers that surround them. More often than not, performance is driven by trying to keep up or outdoing the other kid or team.

    Of course, the above picture does sound extreme. But then again, you must also ask yourself: does that description truly reflect the society you are part of? Would you consider that environment suitable in teaching your child how to function as a member of society?

  9. Sounds like a good plan to me if you are going to be in a different school for gr. 9. I'm assuming you are in the US, so make sure that you study what you need to so you won't have a problem getting into high school.

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