
Should I homeschool for the rest of the year so that I can do a complete make-over before next year?

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I want to lose a lot of weight & everything b4 next yr. im going into highschool and I want to b thinner. every1 says that I have a pretty face but im heavy & everthing. im gunna prove every1 wrong and become gorgeous und thinny i weigh 192 and i wanna be lik 120 er around there




  1. I don't see any link between schooling and weight.  If it were me I would look at each issue individually.  I think homeschooling is a valid decision if that's what you want to do.  I think that getting oneself to a healthy weight is a good idea as well.  Good Luck with whatever you decide.

    Also, I wanted to add that I personally lost 70 pounds in 6 months.  I did it by studying nutrition and figuring how to eat right for my body.

  2. Oh Hun!, I know what you are going through.  But I stuck it and it helped me find out who my true friends were.  Work on your weight one day at a time home schooled or not.  Start now, by the time summer comes, passes, and the next school year begins, you will be right where you want to be.

  3. I think it's great that you want to be healthier, but you need to do it for yourself - not to impress others.  

    Homeschooling is great for many students, but I don' t think your reasons for wanting to do so are valid.  

    Good luck with your weight loss goals!

  4. No. Lots of problems with your plan.

    1) It's a vain and superficial reason to homeschool. You are less likely to focus on your studies because your focus is on having a certain appearance to impress people instead of really taking care of yourself (which doing your school work is a part of).

    2) There's no guarantee that you will lose 70 pounds in that time.

    3) You don't have much time left for the school year--it's honestly not worth the trouble of switching and adjusting to it.

    4) You can take care of yourself and lose weight while still in school. Homeschooling isn't going to offer you any advantage.

  5. It doesn't really matter. The best way to lose weight is to exercise on a daily basis and to eat in moderation. So if you can do so at home or at a regular government-controlled school, whichever works out better will help you attain your goal.

  6. Losing approximately 72 pound would be a challenge to complete in 7 months = 10lbs per month.  So, if you don't do it does that mean you want go back to school????

    I believe that you are setting yourself up for some potential serious problems.

    If you want to prove people wrong and gain regard, be the living proof that they can see every day.  Leaving the mainstream will be the first step toward a potentially complete disconnect.

  7. Here in Illinois, if you are home schooled and wish to return to the public school system, you have to test to get back into the grade you are rejoining. I think there is also SUBJECTIVE criterion to rejoin your grade as well.

  8. ...this one makes me kind of sad, really, and it helps me realize why some people don't take us homeschoolers seriously. Focus on your education. Stop caring what other people say about your body.

  9. Yes most definitely continue homeschooling. It s fun to shock people.

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