
Should I homeschool my son again?

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It is obvious that my 12 y/o hates school! We’ve lived in 3 different states (8 yrs in NY, 4 years in FL & currently in MD). We’ve lived in the best of neighborhoods and have been a dedicated single mother to him-BELIEVE ME!. But ALL his teachers past or present have had the same chief complaints:

-plays around in class

-does not stay on task

-disruptive (distracts other students=class clown)

My son is a decent young boy overall with manners and does not disrespect anyone, but the grades thing has been his downfall. To summarize this blog, I’ve tried every possible intervention there is in school and most have been ruled out. I then pulled him out for 3 months and homeschooled him, then gave him a chance to go back to school. Now his teachers want to meet with me at his new school because he is facing another repeat grade scenario-YES he was held back in 4th grade!!!

Should I homeschool him again, including me changing my job and putting my live on hold?

Or should I let him pay the consequences of his actions and stop trying to save him?

Thanks so much for helping me make this decision




  1. I think if home school worked, then yeah for the sake of your child go for it.  My little brother was pulled out for his whole seventh grade year and went back to school the following year.  He was so ready to get back into school that he aces his classes lol.  Only do it if it works.  As for him not interacting with others, sometimes, that's a good thing for some kids.  He sounds like he needs to focus on his studies and not being a clown (I'm agreeing with you)  A lot of the time, kids are being a clown for deeper reasons.  I don't know why his teachers haven't tried to focus that energy.   Home school requires you to have a fine art or sports anyways, so he can get on a team (which counts) or take a class.  (etc. art, music)

  2. I personally think that homeschooling isn't the best option. In the real world your son will have to deal with people, he will have to know how to suck it up and keep going even if the people around him are totally rude, he will also not have the option of you saving him . I think he needs to stay in regular school. If you talk to him about his actions and are very supportive of the teachers he might just change his behaviors. Otherwise he will never be accountable for his actions and he wont change.

  3. Obviously he has an attention problem, like being able to focus, Im not saying he has ADD or anything, but clearly it's harder for him to pay attention. I find it ridiculous that the school will want to hold him back because of that. If I were you I would fight it fight it fight it. No way! Now if you want to homeschool him, that's your choice. Can you afford it? Did he benefit from it? Anytime a child repeats a grade they always say it's more beneficial to him, but what interventions did the school offer before they thought it was a good idea to hold him back? How will that benefit him? I wouldn't let the school decide that.

  4. I think your in denial.

    So you honestly think all those teacher would write that if it wasn't true.

  5. This is going to sound kind of rough, but bear with me.  While there are some genuinely good reasons for homeschooling, your child disliking school isn't one of them.  He is old enough now to learn the tough lessons in life:  sometimes we have to do things we don't like to do, and when we s***w up, we have to live with the consequences of our actions.  He'll never learn to take responsibility for himself if you keep giving him exactly what he wants.  He is going to have to learn to do what he is supposed to be doing in school, before he reaches high school, college, or future employment.  Force him to suck it up and go to school whether he wants to or not.

    Here's a way to get him to start acting right at school:  Threaten to start coming to school with him...every day, to every class...hold hands with him in the hall.  Just the threat of embarrassing him that way should be enough to scare him into acting right.

  6. No, home schooling is wrong.

    You are denying your child to interact with classmates.

  7. Have you had him tested for any learning disabilities.  Or have him tested for ADD.  Alot of what you saying sounds like my daughter, she has a very hard time focusing and we had her tested and got her on meds to help her and there was a dramatic change... My daughter started doing all her work, Paid attention in class, self esteem increased and there were other benefits at home too...  To get him tested talk to his teacher ( my daughters teacher didn't say anything to us about it till we brought it up because she said that they are NOT allowed to suggest anything to the parents) and talk to his doctor they will give you a packet to fill out and one for his teacher and maybe that will help you define that maybe that isn't the problem and then move on to something else.  GL

  8. no but ya    cause it gives him the chage to meet new people and make new pepole

  9. I am not anti home schooling however I think  you should persevere with the normal school thing and if he needs help you could always get a tutour

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