
Should I ice skate with a partner or not????

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I just started to ice skate, no one is teaching me yet. I was thinking about pair skating or whatever you call it... should I skate with partner on not??? HELP

thank you for your oppinion




  1. it depends on what you like or feel more comfortable with

  2. Because YOu've Just Started YOu ShOuld PrObably Start SOlo Fiirst And iif Later On, YOu Get A COach, They Wiill PrObably KnOw Whiich iis Better FOr YOu x

  3. My coach always tells the pairs skaters she coaches that you can only be as good of a pairs skater as you are a singles skater.  So before you can even think about doing pairs, you have to be able to jump and spin on your own.  If you're not a good enough skater, doing pairs can be very dangerous.

  4. well, i think you should start just as a solo skater then when you get the basic figure skating done, then think about what other skating paths you would want to take. and having a coach REALLY helps.

  5. i agree with K K

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