
Should I implant my child with the cochlear implant?

by Guest33784  |  earlier

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I just discovered my child is deaf. What should I do?




  1. No.

  2. How deaf?  Our youngest child, Joe, was born without ears, no openings.  Turned out he can use a vibrating hearing aid, and he has worn one all his life.  He's in college now, studying to be a teacher.

    What did the doctor say?   When we were exploring surgical options for Joe, they indicated that they would prefer to do the surgery when he was older, since ears move a little as you grow up.   But he could hear, with the hearing aid.    You may not want to wait.

    Cochlear implants have come a long way since Joe was a baby.  Heaven only knows what they cost.  But if that's the only way your child can hear, you may want to go for it.

  3. That's tough. Was your child born deaf or did you notice it after he/she has learned to speak? I would really need to know that in order to answer your question properly. I would also need to know the degree of deafness. If your child has learned to speak, then you can get councilling, and obviously seek special care from school, etc.

    In any case, find a specialist to help you make this decision, I don't have enough information here.

    Oh, by the way, the movie "Mr.Holland's Opus" is something you should really see if you haven't already.

  4. Oh I am so sorry to hear that...but you have a special child there and that's what God intended for you to have. You should talk to you doctor about this.

  5. I don't really know what that is, if it's something so they can hear, I mean, go for it. Being deaf is fine, but if it were my kid, i'd do anything to help them hear- its for their best interest, i think.

  6. No, your child is just perfect the way it is.. you should not adapt the child to fit your needs. You should learn sign language and adapt to your child.

    It has been shown that a bilingual approach is best... and the implant does fail! Also as you child becomes a teenager, it will be even more increasingly difficult to communicate with your child without a visual language.

    Also, think of learning ASL as learning a forgin language! You are learning a new language that will allow you to communicate with more people, just like learning Spanish or French!

  7. You should have a consultation with his specialist and you should speak to people who have children with implants. Find out all the options and take as much time as you need to make your decision.

  8. There are a lot of things to consider, as I'm sure you know.  If the child has deaf relatives and a great support system for the hearing impaired, I would consider waiting.  However, due to the location where you live, resources available, and possibly just to help your child live a more normal life, I would consider the implants.  Generally, a child who gets the implants sooner rather than later will do very well with them.  It also depends on the level of hearing loss your child suffers from.

    Personally, I would get the implant if my son needed it, and if I could afford the surgery, recovery, and maintenance needed.  I don't have family to help or resources to help with a disability like that.  I would be frightened for any complications, so the decision would not be made lightly.  But if I could help my son without the surgery, I would prefer that.  If there are great deaf schools in the area, people your child can relate to, I'd forgo the surgery.  (entirely my opinion, I know others may disagree)

    Good luck to you and your child.  Best wishes for you both.


  9. See a specialist who can tell you the risks and benefits of cochlear implants. They will also be able to tell you if he is a candidate for any other treatments.

  10. I would get all the research you can  find before making a decision. Once you have all the facts, you can make a decision that benefits your child the most.

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