
Should I include my cover letter with my resume?

by  |  earlier

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I am in search of jobs on the internet. Most of them just state: Email your resume to blah blah blah. They didn't say if they needed a cover letter. If I send them my cover letter and if it turns out that they don't want it, they may just throw away my cover letter along with my resume to the rubbish can without even looking at it. On the other end, my resume is pretty dry. I intent to include a cover letter to describe myself a little bit to supplement my super-dry resume. What should I do? Please help and thank you.




  1. YES.:)  Always include a personalized cover letter with every single resume you submit.  It shows you have taken the time and effort to write the cover letter to the interviewer and that's always a good thing.

    I have a friend who is a corporate interviewer for a large company and he will not even LOOK at a resume without one.  Again, make sure each one is personalized, don't send a form cover letter.

    A great cover letter can take you VERY far.  Best of luck in your job search!:)

  2. Yes, but make sure it pertains to the job your applying for. I'm not keen at doing my resume so, I look up sample resumes and cover letters to give me tips. And it worked I have an interview for a job Tuesday. Good luck!:)

  3. YES YES YES~ Include the cover letter at all times.

  4. Yes, absolutely.  In this day and age, many people do not include a cover letter, which is a real turn-off for those of us who hire.

    Believe me, your including a cover letter will score you big points!

    Good luck.

  5. Include your cover letter and your resume as seperate attachments so that if they want to view one without the other they can.

    Spruce your resume up by adding achievements in school and voulenteer work done.

  6. for a very clear understanding of how to handle your cove letter and resume go to www and they will give to you in detail what you should do as far submitting your resume with /without your cover letter but from personal experience if you don't include a cover letter with your resume they will trash your resume anyway because they only scan the cover letter first  

  7. you should always do a cover letter and customise it for the particular job. the letter should tell them why you are the best person for THIS job, so having a standard one will rarely do it. The internet is just a method of applying, the more professional your application, the more appeal it will have. dont make the cover letter more than a page or so though, they have a lot to go through and dont want to spend ages doing it. always make sure you address the ad - answer the requirements - in your letter.

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