
Should I include or disclude alcohol?

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I want to throw a surprise party for my boyfriend's birthday. We drink, and so do some of his friends. His non-drinking friends, however, are LDS and are strongly convicted against alcohol.

Should I not invite his Mormon friends and serve alcohol, or should I invite everyone and not serve alcohol? Any other ideas or alternatives? Thanks in advance.




  1. well, I think that you should invite all of his friends, if he is really serious about his friends.  If he usually doesnt hang out with the non-drinkers, then  have a ball.  Otherwise it would be nice to have all of his friends there, and just bypass the alchohol, if those people really cant handle it.

  2. That depends how close he is to his Mormon friends.  They would be very uncomfortable if everyone else were getting drunk....  So, if you DO invite them, don't serve alcohol.  You can have fun without it:)

  3. invite everyone and inform them alcohol will be served. then each person can decide for themselves

  4. Invite all the people that you hope will come. Serve alcohol if you feel it will be appreciated and you will enjoy it. However, if you are inviting people who don't drink, be sure to have a good selection of non-alcoholic alternatives.

    Some people who don't drink appreciate having non-alcoholic versions of alcoholic drinks available, so they don't stand out. (I.e. Shirley Temple, neer-beer, etc.). However, others dislike even the appearance of drinking and will not want something like that. You probably know which group your boyfriend's friends fall into.

    It is not uncommon for alcohol to be served at parties, so I don't think it is important or even helpful to state on the invitation that alcohol will be served. This could easily be misinterpreted as an advertisement rather than a warning, and make it sound like you are pushing alcohol. I think all you need to do is give all of your guests options that they can be happy with and let them make up their own minds about how long they want to stay.

  5. I would not drink and have everyone come.

    Sometimes its better to have a party where everyone can remember what happened.

    Without Alcohol there is also a better chance of not having something bad happen too.

  6. I never give parties where alcohol is served, I figure if you can't have a good time without drinking , you're not much fun anyway.....

  7. BUT I THINK YOU SHOULD INVITE EVERYONE BECAUSE it is his party after all but its up to you to decide.

  8. Invite all.. and serve alcohol. You can put that alcohol will be served or even just "byob" on the invitation so his non drinking friends can make their own choice. It is (if I'm not mistaken) a tenant of the Mormon religion to accept  and tolerate other peoples beliefs and customs.They should be fine with it.

    Are you going to have the same issue with caffeine ie. coffee and soda?

    Good luck.

  9. Keep it simple and invite all that way no one is feeling alienated.

    The people who drink will go "this is bull" if there is none. They will leave or go sneak off. The party will die.

    The Mormons...... they can choose to just not drink. Thats it and they should not be imposing a thought on others. I should be the other way around. You can not drink and still have a good time. They can prove that.

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