
Should I inform a co-signor that I am filing Ch. 7?

by  |  earlier

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Recently I have found out that my cosignor on a loan was having a affair with my husband and she became pregnant with his child. I am now filing bankruptcy because I cannot afford any of my bills. The co-signor and I are ot on talking terms of course, should I inform her that I am filing bankrupcty becuase my attorney says that they will garnish her wages for the loan. OR should I just leave it as is and have her find out the hard way. I beleive this is a good way of Karma to come after her. The loan amount is for about 12,500.




  1. You mention nothing of being divorced - this is your husband's bankruptcy too - and he is responsible for child support.  Seems like you may end up paying one way or the other. If you are divorced - yea the Karma rule applies.

  2. Your statement saying, 'I believe this is a good way of Karma to come after her' makes me wonder if you don't believe Karma would catch up with you as well.  

    You need to be professional and let her know before hand.

  3. If you have any moral, be honest and tell her. She's going to reap the wages of her sins with or without you trying to pull one over on her.

  4. yes you should talk to her because the debt will fall onto the co signer.

  5. be the better person here. let her know - everything! hey, she took the risk of co-signing, and now it is what it is. don't blame her only for the affair, it always takes two! karma is very tricky, could come back and bite you if you aren't honest with her.

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