
Should I inform a patient that his appointment was sent to the wrong address?

by  |  earlier

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I recieved in this morning's mail a NHS neurology appointment for a complete stranger. I immediately informed the hospital, but should I also inform the patient? I know that the hospital won't tell him, but if I do will it do more harm than good?




  1. i would inform the person just so they don't miss there appt. who knows how long they have been waiting for it.

  2. hmmmm.......I never would have even thought to inform the hospital.  It would have just went back in the mail with a note stating, "delivered to wrong address".

  3. Ring the hospital to inform them and they will contact him.

  4. theres no harm i guess....but im sure the hospital will re send the letter

  5. You just can't get the staff  these days. I keep getting post addressed to 'x*x Gardens' delivered to 'x*x Road' and I have to be the unofficial postman, unpaid, unthanked.

  6. I would inform him and then its up to him what he does

  7. Inform them, its there stuff... in the end they would want to know good or bad.

    The hospital should tell them as their responsibility but its best to be safe :)

  8. Personally, I think its up to the hospital to deal with their error.

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