
Should I jog at the same speed in hills?

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I want to improve my cardio so I started jogging and I love it, however I am not very good yet and can only jog for 20 minutes. I am pretty slim but hope to improve on that time for cardio reasons.

I am wondering should I change my running speed in hills? Shoud I slow down going up the hill? Should I accelerate going down and let my body "fall" and the legs will follow (this is what I am doing)?

Or should I just keep the same pace?




  1. Hills are tricky when you run. Inertia and gravity work for/against you and you're just not too sure what to do.

    I once read in Runner's World that you should try to keep the same pace when running up hill, but adjust your stride and take smaller steps. This way, you conserve energy. Trying to take long strides up hill will only make you tired.

    When running down hill, slow your pace. If the hill has a steep grade, it can be really hard on your knees if you land incorrectly. Keep your same stride as if you were on flat ground and just slow down. A lot of times, people want to bound down the hill like a super hero - using long strides - and that can lead to pulled muscles.

    I hope that helps! It certainly helped me.

  2. Accelerate going up, deccelerate coming down. It builds calf muscles on the downside and your core on the upside.

  3. if you want, it definitely wont hurt

  4. Consistency is important...but if you want to improve stamina...staying power...try slowing a bit in the hills initially and over time increase that speed...You'll see that you'll improve how long you can go...Also don't necessairly break into a srpint when you hit the flat land...Google cross country running/jogging for more advice.

  5. you high knee up the hill and long stride down the hill. when you pick your knees up it will allow you to go up the hill quicker however you may feel tired after it but don't worry, also while striding out it will be effortless so you can regian some of your energy. keep in mind that is only for steep hills that pop out of the ground out of no where like obstacles in the cross-country course. hope this helps

  6. If you want to lose someone in a race, accelerate up the hill and off the top.

    If you want to maintain stamina, slow down and keep your heart rate more constant

  7. i would keep the same pace, i jog too, its fun :P"

  8. try to maintaint the same pace as the flats, but dont alter your form other than maybe shortening stride and pumping arms. Dont lean forward or anything

  9. It depends on what you are trying to achieve from the workout.  If you are trying to put in the miles and build up endurance then you should run at a constant effort.  This means you slow down running up and you speed up going down.  So what you are currently doing sounds OK.

    When running you should maintain a constant cadence.  Going up the hill, you slow down by reducing stride length.  Going down hill, you speed up by increasing stride length.

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