
Should I join Track?????????

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I'm 16 about to be a junior in high school and i want to do at least one sport in high school for my junior and senior year. I have always played sports until i quit football between the summer of my freshmen- sophomore year to get a job, I regret quiting football and i don't want to regret not joining track. I'm not sure weather to join or not because I have no idea what they do at track and if I'm fast enough. I was always fast for my size by keeping up with the linebackers as a Defensive end but now Iv lost weight now I'm at 5'8 160 and now i think i could be fast enough could someone give me info on track? do you have to have experience for it? I want to do it for staying in shape...not to be a marathon runner? should i do it




  1. if ure not sure u want to do track or not, start going to some practices and see if u like it. it really is a great way to keep in shape.  if u arent good at running talk to the coach about field events like shot put and discos.  hav fun

  2. I don't know anything about the sport itself, but I have had a few friends who joined track and absolutely loved it.

    You have to really enjoy running, though.

    I don't think you really have to have much experience, because I know a few people who joined on a whim without ever running competitively before.

    I think it's a good idea for you to join track.

    Good luck.  :]

  3. yes, I think you definitely should try it out!  The nice thing about track is that there's no such thing as tryouts just to make the team (at least in high school), so it doesn't really matter how fast you are when you join.  And, as the season goes on, you'll improve if you work at it.  It's a fun sport even though running seems tedious at times.  And it's one of the best sports to keep you in shape.

  4. Track and field is a great sport, but you don't just have to run. There are many technical events. You could be a jumper or a thrower. You could even do the pole vault. Usually what goes on at track practice depends on the event you are doing. I would go talk to the track coach and see what event he thinks you would be good at. Remember track isn't as people think and takes a lot of concentration and training. It is very technical and requires lots of attention to detail. I also recommend going to a local library and checking out some track and field books to look at the events and see which one interests you more.

  5. Well in track you got the running part of course.

    Like 100 meter dash, the long jump and hurdles.

    But there is also the disk throwing, and the heavy ball.

    Depending on your school there is the high jump pole volt ect..

    But if you want to join track I say do it.

    But you have to run a lot!! You also have to work your leg muscles a lot to help your speed and stamina.  

    No you really dont have to have experience for it, and it would be a great way to stay in shape, because of the weights you get to lift and since your running you wont gain weight.

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