
Should I join in volleyball for 2007-2008?

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I'm going to be a freshman this upcoming September. But recently, I ended up in E.R. because of my right knee (while playing wiffle ball.) I asked my mom for her opinion, and she suggests that I should join the sport for Sophomore or Junior. Plus she's a nurse also..




  1. Maybe see if you can be a assistant or something. That way you can help the team warm up and practice. That way you can take it easy this year, but still have the benefit of learning and being involved.

  2. It really depends on how you do on your knee. If your knee is weak and you have trouble with it i would sit out a year to rehab it and get it stronger. If you dont really have any problems with it and you think it is strong enought slap a knee brace on that sucker and hit the court

  3. I find that they usually pick the same team they had before, so you might be out of luck if you miss your freshman year. (That's how my school works, but hopefully yours is different). Depends how bad it is. Would you be okay with a knee brace? If you think you might be ok, ask her, but your mother wont budge, respect her decsion and tryout next year.

  4. Your knee is definitely something you want to make sure is ok before playing a sport.    If you want a professional opinion, perhaps an orthopedic doctor should be consulted.  After all, if you play now and hurt it worse, there may be no sophomore year of vball for you to play.  I can understand your mom wanting you to wait...but is that the nurse in her talking, or the mom?  Hehe, parents never want their child to be better safe than sorry may often apply.  I'm a parent myself and would want my child to wait too.      I'd suggest seeing the ortho with your mom for a more informed opinion.   Good luck!

  5. You might also want to talk with the coach.  Explain your situation.  pretty_mommy has a good idea.  Maybe you can an assistant or manager.  That way, you can be part of the team.  You can work out lightly with a knee brace.  You will also know all of the drills and serve receive patterns and plays.  It will not be like someone not involved with the team trying out for JV.  Eleanore Amour suggested that it is impossible to make the team if you are not part of the team from the year before.  

    Your mother is probably not going to budge.  Work out as much as they will let you.  You want to be in as good as shape as you can be for the next season.

  6. duh.. any freshman makes a highschool team...

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