
Should I join my local pokemon league?

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I'm 13 and i'm not sure if I should join because it's kinda embarrising so if you or somebody you know is in a league can you tell me your/their age also can you tell me what you do there




  1. if you like pokemon then you should.  

  2. well i wouldnt do it...

    and dont unless you want to be picked pn ur whole life....

    ...well of course unless ur a geek then you woulddddd prob be a HERO


  3. if you 4-11 join but any older join but dont tell any1 becuase as a girl if your older that turns me off plus you might be made fun of its a cruel world

  4. Absolutely you should join, if you enjoy playing the game.  I'm almost 40, and I run a Pokémon league here in Texas.  My son (9 years old) got me into it, and he's lost interest, but that doesn't stop me from going and playing!  I love the game!  Despite what people say about it being a kid's game, the Masters division (15 and older) is always the largest at our tournaments.

  5. i wouldn't

    your 13 which means your going to high school soon

    if they find out your in a pokemon league they will pick ur guts out

  6. uhhhhhhhhhhh

    i dont know but why dont you try those magic cards my brothers really lkier those

  7. you should join kid

    it will be fun , no worries

    n sorry i don't know anyone in the league

    but good luck

    c ya

  8. no because your going to be in junior high its time to give up on pokemon

  9. You should who cares about you  

  10. LOOOL, awwww.

    In my opinion I think you shouldn't be embarassed about something that you enjoy doing. Don't let other people put you down because of something you like to do. If you want to join your Local Pokemon League, then do so. Who cares about them.

    Pokemon league is pretty cool ;)

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