
Should I join the Air Force, or go to college?

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My brother just graduated from the air force and I was wondering if there were any people who have joined or are thinking of joining?

If so, tell me everything thats really crossing your minds.

Im going to be a senior in high school this year, so I still have about a year left.




  1. Go to college then join the Navy.

  2. i joined the navy for several reasons. I'm right out of high school right now, plans to go to college while in active duty, and will work hard so that the navy will pay for my dental school. Having no regrets with the decision i made, because i believe military is right for me.

    If you want to be an officer in the air force and you have money to go to college, i would definitely suggest college FIRST, because I heard its tough to go from enlisted to officer with no college degree. And specially air force, cause i heard stories about how competitive it is. Now if your grades are really good and you're pretty athletic, i'd say air force academy. its an honor and an amazing priviledge to attend the academies. You will receive respect and envy if you get in and graduate from there. but there are also ROTC, so both ways are good.

    but Its not bad  to go as enlisted as long as your motivated to work hard, take the educational benefits air force has to offer, and definitely play hard. lol.

    If you're going to air force out of a career, then definitely college first and officer position. If you just want to do 4 years and get out, then either enlisted or officer is fine.

    I would suggest having a long talk with your parents on this, then talk to an air force recruiter. Do not fall for recruiter's words, as it tends to be not true sometimes. receive the influences from what your mind and heart desires, what your parents think, and what interests you in the air force.

  3. Go to college. Here either possibly get killed or get a great education and spread that knowledge to the world. Watch MASH. The Military does wierd things.

  4. If you join the air force or any armed services, remember the expectations. you may be spending time overseas fighting for something you may not truely believe in. College in my opinion is better, you will be prepared to have a career where as many armed service members have difficulty finding employment once discharged

  5. You can join the Air National Guard and serve in the Air Force part-time and go to college full time while getting it all paid for. A lot of jobs are getting a $20K enlistment bonus as well as many other incentives. Its a great thing to be a part of. Email me through my profile on here for more info, I will hook you up

  6. In Australia you could do both, get a university degree that is fully paid for by the defence department, and receive a full income while you are studying.  

  7. Do both! You can go to college part-time while working in the Air Force. You can attend classes at almost every base, even overseas.  

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