
Should I join the Marines or the Army?

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Okay, i am sixteen years old and my whole life Ive been very interested in the Military, I am thinking about joining an Infantry Division, so I would like people's opinions and facts about the Marines and the Army, example- training, duties, everyday things..etc...etc, Thankyu




  1. It depends on what you priorities are, what do you want?

    My brother who has done both says “If you want the military experience and also want to be (what he calls) Military, join the Marine Corps.”

    The Marine Corps is about structure, respect, honor, rules, and tradition.

    The Army seems to be more about the particular job you do while in the Army.

    Myself I was in the Navy and I am now I am in the National Guard.

    My experience shows that the Army takes care of people better then the Navy

    It is because of the military that I now have a Bachelor Degree. The military has the Montgomery GI Bill which enables individuals to attend college who could not afford to otherwise.

    You have two years to contemplate. Think about my first sentence.  

  2. im in the Army and i have many friends that r Marines as well, dude it up to u and whats better for u, both the Army and the marines have there pros and cons, ur 16 so u have a yr or 2 before u can join anyway so look up some info and make ur mind up ur self and dont let anyone talk u into one because most ppl r goin to say the one they feel is better

  3. Take it from experience I wanted to be a soccer player at 16, a programmer at 17. Nothing wrong with being a military man, but before you jump at 16, you got to be fair to yourself. Test the water try a few different interests on a volunteer basis, sometimes the hero factor draws alot of youngsters into the marines and its not like that. You can be as much of a hero in a police force, volunteer organisation so think it true. Ultimately its up to you,  

  4. the reserve my sisters are in it they treat u beta and u can decide if u wana go active duty (active duty is were u travel around the worldmy sister is in alaska right now and she is takin her college classes)or not  and once a month u gota go do 2 ur unit and once er year u gota go 2 another state and train for a few weels the army reserve is easier if u rlly r alot into the military thing and u want it to b ur life go to the marines then.....but luk do rotc in ur skl 2 c if u rlly like it and decide wer u wana go it does help out and if ur already n it good 4 u lol but yea the reserve is beta 2 me ALSO u can pick what you want to do if you want to be on the computers or be airborn jumping out of planes or just fight

  5. First off I'm an Airborne Infantryman in the U.S. Army. I, like you, wanted to do allot of research to find what is really out there in the military. I settled on the U.S. Army because we offer the most in military schooling. Such as Ranger school, HALO school, Airborne school, scuba school, jumpmaster school, mountain warfare school, air assault school, pathfinder school, combatives school, sniper school, javelin school, and many others. I also like the size of our special operations community. We have the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ranger Battalions, the Ranger Recon Detachment, the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 19th, and 20th Special Forces Groups (Green Berets), the 1st SFOD-D, and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Also we have major divisions such as the 82nd Airborne Division (America's Strategic Response Force), the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and the 10th Mountain Division.

    Another reason is because of our equipment. The U.S. Army will ensure you, the future Army Infantry Soldier, the guarantee of having not only the most advanced equipment but the knowledge you'll need to utilize it. We will also train you to be a world class warrior and continue to push you to your limits so you'll remain in top physical, mental, tactical, and operational shape.

    Hope this helps. All the Marine guys are going to howl or bark or what ever it they do but they can't disbut it. Because they know it's the truth and the truth hurts. Just ask them why the Marines, Navy, and Air Force have set-up the Blue to Green option for experienced Marines, Sailors, and Airmen. They can come to the Army and bath in all OUR glory.

    They think they are more physical but they must be talking about the soft skill MOS's in the Army not the Infantrymen and definetely not the Airborne Infantrymen.

  6. If you like going to Iraq and sleeping in 100 degree heat and shooting people and seeing buddies get their head blown off, either one will do. Have a ball.

  7. I joined at Seventeen, many years ago, so maybe I can give you some advice. Look all the uniformed services over; you are an individual and have strengths and desires, likes and goals; find the best fit. There are Five uniformed services; don't forget the US Coast Guard.

    The Coast guard is the only service that has Law Enforcement powers and duties. Narcotics, smuggling, immigration, drunken boaters, boating traffic enforcement ( Much like the State Police, but on waterways), laws effecting the environment and of course Homeland security are all facets of the Coast Guard. They served in Vietnam and are currently in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters. Get as much education as you can before joining. Good Luck ; no matter which service you choose.

    The Rescue Swimmer Training is the absolute toughest military school ever; few Navy Seals could pass. If you every saw one of them jump out of a Helicopter into seas crashing into off shore rock formations to rescue someone; you will have seen the bravest and best trained American ever.

  8. The Army is easier to get into. The Marines are more demanding. It all boils down to your personnel preference.  

  9. Its more on personal preference actually. Marines is harder to get into though.  

  10. Not to put the Army down, but the Marines have much tougher training and physical requirements.  They are the ones who go in first in most hostile situations while the Army is who comes in later to maintain the position the Marines fought to win.

    If you are the type of guy who takes pride in being the best and wants to really see some action, then the Marines is for you.

    Otherwise, you can join the Army where you'll still get great training and experience, but it will be easier and you'll be less likely to see live action.

    The choice is up to you.

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