
Should I just fight him?

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okay this kid whos a year younger then me always insists on trying to bully me. I know i would win in a fight and i dont wanna practically murder him because i do MMA and hes just a wanna be thug. Today he tried to trip me but i kept my composure like usual and let it go. Im sick of this kid trying to fight me should i just give him what he wants and get it over with?




  1. You are doing right.  Keep your cool.  Sounds like it will eventually turn into a fight.  Words are just words, fists are completely different.  As long as he starts the fight and you end it quickly and without beating him senseless, then you have still done right.  For bullies, it should only take a hit or two to the body, and he will be done.

    You can also invite him to your MMA gym.  Tell him that if he really wants to fight you, then he must first learn how.   This will lead to one of two outcomes;  one, he rejects you and eventually you must deal with him as above.  two, he agrees and it changes his life.  If he does want to fight you, you both do so with training and rules for safety.

  2. You apparently have not learned a thing in martial arts.The first thing you learn is to always keep your composure and never fight because there is a way to avoid every fight.Trust me I would know this as a teacher of martial arts myself.

  3. i think you should just tell him off!

    first off hes younger than u, second you know he will lose so whats the point of wasting the energy, and thirdly violence is not the answer.

    just tell him to back off with an assertive tone.

  4. Set his house on fire while he's sleeping. I guarantee he won't bother you again.

  5. try to avoid fighting as much as you can but if its self defense go for it.

  6. Yes, but make it to where he throws the first punch and to where there is a lot of your friends around to prove it.

  7. yea but dont play rough! just like block his moves so he knows that u can beat him up. maybe like counter him. when he tries to hit u, block it and throw a punch or kick at him but dont actually hit him

  8. Show him some of that MMA of yours.

  9. two answers the first one is if he knows you  are in MMA the secound if he doesnt

    1.  Go up to him and say look I know you think you could easly beat me but I dis agree and if you would like to see if that is true then you can meet me some where if not then you can stop now & learn to get over ur self with out getting in a fight!

    2.hang out around him with a bunch of your friends start talking how you are in MMA and be like yeah we learned thins new tech on what to do if some1 tries to trip and then like joke around with your budds and start pretending to be in a fight and have one of ur friends b like man I'd b srry 4 the sucker who gets in a fight with u!

    Good Luck hope I helped

  10. stand your ground, don't start a fight, but if he makes a move, defend yourself and give it to him (not too hard, but enough to make him realize that you got the best of him)...don't meet him outside of school (or a populated place), and have witnesses there to say who made the first move...and don't listen to the whiny internet nerds on this website that say fighting is never the answer...i'm not condoning fighting, but if someone attacks, you must defend yourself

  11. until you find yourself in a situation where your physical well being hangs in the balance, I'd keep pulling those punches. If you are a licensed martial artist and you use any technique outside of classes you're at risk of having it taken away. Unless you can prove that you really had no choice.

    And don't forget, no martial art will make you invincible. Anyone can be caught off guard. If you confidently accept his challenge and find yourself on the losing end it will make things worse in the future.

    It always takes the bigger man to walk away, you've done well so far. Keep it up.

  12. yeah i think you should just briefly show him exactly what he's dealing with (off school campus mind you)

  13. no because that's what he want's you to do for what just to get in to trouble is not worth it just talk to somebody like the principal or his mother they could fix the problem really quick for you tell them how rude he is being towards you is not worth it for you to fight with that bully there's other ways fighting is not the way out

  14. Fighting is never the right thing to do.

    If you fight him a hurt him then the judge wont care that he tried to trip you or that he started it all they will see is that he is in the hospital and you are older and should know more then that.

    He is not worth throwing away your life for that could happen if you fight and he gets badly hurt.

    Tell him you don’t want to fight because its an in muter thing to do.

  15. I probably wouldn't but people at my school would probably never actucally fight. sorry i'm not much help.

  16. As long as it not illegal, beat the h**l out of him.  If you know you can beat him, make sure there is a crowd that way its more embarrassing for him.   That will teach him a lesson about trying to be a bad a$$.

  17. I would ask him to meet you at your MMA practice.  Let him catch a glimpse of some of your skills (get someone in an arm bar or rear naked, and preferably someone bigger than you) and then ask him if he's ready to roll there and then.  He'll either tuck his tail and quietly leave or you get to dish out a little ground and pound.  Either way you're a winner.

  18. Kick his spine out of his *** than shove it down his throat

  19. Dude no, I train in MMA too, I'm 15, DO NOT EVER lose your temper,

    If you train MMA you can be arrested for hitting him first

    I'm picked on in the same ways I ignore it, trust me, be the bigger man and ignore it, my instructor warned that if I got in a fight I could accidentally kill someone with some of the moves I've learned, so DONT EVER FIGHT

  20. Depends how old are you and him?

  21. fighting solves nothing but it sure does help hehe..

  22. I am not sure what MMA stands for, but I hold a black belt in Ninjitsu. I have always told my students that it's better to walk away from a fight than to give in to them.

    I taught strength within themselves, and restraint when confronted with bullies. you are better than them, so why give in to them.

    I have often walked away from confrontations, some from other martial art groups. Discipline is a must, and to control anger is to show your professional stance on bullies.

    However, if you have to retaliate, then only use such force as needed to put a stop to the attack, don't be tempted to kick the sh**t out of them. Have been tempted myself many times, but would not stoop to their level.

    My daughter was being bullied by a male at school, and she was learning Judo,he grabbed her, she grabbed him and threw him over her shoulder onto the ground, she then walked away. The students erupted in laughter at the bully, and he never bullied anyone sle at the school.

    Blessings Rev JackM

  23. No. Don't fight him. People will think your mean if you do end up hurting him.

  24. Smack Him On Da Mouth One Time Tell Him To Say Somethin Again, And You'll Knock His Teeth Out

  25. Fighting does not solved this kind of issue, be the bigger man and blow him off, its one thing to annoy you, its another to let him get to you. Thats what makes him feel good about doing it, just ignore it. If he trips you, just be like "sorry dude, didn't see you there" only with a corny niceness to annoy him.

    Bonus to that is it might drive him to throw the first punch, then feel free to destroy him. Basically you wanna do everything to avoid throwing the first punch, this will get you out of assault with "Self Defense"


  26. if you do that you'll end up hurting yourself. You'll do exactly what he wants you to do. where you narmally walk change it and walk different directions each day to get to where you're going he'll get tired of following you and leave you alone if not pop him in the face and deal with the consequences but think before you act you might regret it later

  27. Try to talk to him.  If he won't listen or ridicules you, then give him a taste of his own medicine - bully him around.  See how he likes it when he gets bullied around.  If he doesn't like it and throws the first punch, then you'll have a reason to send him to the hospital.  But by all means, try to talk to him first.  Unfortunately, there are some people you can't reason with, and you'll have to resort to your "manhood" to get the message across.

    *BTW, when I say "send him to the hospital", I don't mean it literally.  What I'm trying to say is beat him up to the point where he knows that he lost.

  28. They teach us in martial arts never to use our skills unless we fear for our own safety.

    So no.

    I think you should confront him verbally , and if he then throws the first hit, go for it.

  29. Just pound the d**n wannabe. Cuss at him too while you're at it. Teach that boy some lesson his parents were too lazy to do.

  30. as a martial artist, we know more than the average person and anything that we use can be determined as excessive if done properly.  best thing to do is to remain calm and keep your cool.  you know what you are capable of and that's all you need to know....

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