
Should I just finish it in the morning?

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My husband is a wonderful husband and father, but tonight he came in in a S****y mood from work and took it out on me with his pigheaded grouch-*** attitude and I had to go to the grocery store at 10 o clock at night to buy milk because he wouldn't stop and get it on his way home and my baby will need milk in the morning.

By the time I got home, I saw that he had left the dog out in the yard and the dog had ripped up an entire bag of trash and so the two of us cleaned that up.

I went inside afterwards and took a shower and then realized I have a mountain of homework to do and I really should be working on it now but I'm so tired my eyes won't focus well enough to crunch numbers.

It's now 11 o clock at night and my daughters will most likely be up in six more hours and I'm only a little over halfway done with my schoolwork which is due first thing in the morning.




  1. Just do as much as you can.  Can you get a few hours of sleep and get up real early to finish it?

    make some coffee if you need to stay up and finish it.

    good luck to you.

  2. abt homework, u wont b able to do that as u r tired n sleepy

    leave it for tomorrow. if u finish ur homework now. u wont have much time to sleep as ur daughter will be up aroung 5 in the morning.

    so have a nap and get ready for morning!

    good night!

  3. I'm only a ninth grader, but when I have a lot of homework, which i usually do, and I'm really tired, I just keep trying to stay awake, because I no that if I put off my assignments till the morning, ill have a limited time to complete them. And I know it isn't the most healthy thing to stay awake until 1, 2, or even 3 in the morning nearly every weeknight, but in the end, I find my grades worth the effort, even if I do pass out at the computer (at least when i wake up, ill have done some of the work and only the finishing touches are left).

  4. Finish it now.  You'll be just as tired in the morning plus you'll be stressed because you have so much to do.

  5. i'm sure you already decieded what you want to

  6. Believe it or not, stuff like this happens to me all the time.  I hope you are up now doing your homework, as that is what I would suggest.  Just your luck, your daughters will end up waking up with a fever, and your dog will throw up the trash it ate last night, and then you'll really be screwed.  If you finish it now, at least it is done.  Then you can catch a cat nap tomorrow.

  7. what a jerk

    do it in the morning. if you are tired it will take twice as long. and then remember to tell him what a problem he caused last night

  8. finish it, there's no way you're gonna be able to drag yourself out of bed in the morning for homework, believe me, i've tried.

  9. what a wonderful romance you have leave it for the morning. go get some sleep

  10. I have been in a similar situation.  This past semester though, I have learned to go to bed by midnight and then get up early in the morning to finish what I need to do.  I work full time and go to school full time, on top of being a mother of a 2 year old so I know what you are talking about. It depends on whether or not you work better under pressure.  I do, so I would wait til the morning and get some rest.

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