
Should I just give up on her?

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Ok. I have this friend that I have known since elementary school but we've only recently begun to hang out a lot and be really good friends (like 2-3 years ago.). About a year ago she started hanging out with the popular people I guess and I was a bit jealous and didn't really understand why she wanted them when she already had friends. That all passed and we were fine and everything.

Just this past year she started hanging out with new people again (she has a lot of friends) and she keeps forgetting about other people (myself). She promised me she'd call me this summer but to the day she hasn't called me once. She's a total hypocrite. Plus she broke her promise and that really hurts because I'm big on keeping promises. In a way I want to just drop her because she can be so careless and flakey. But she's actually a really good friend, even though she can get like that. She listens to secrets and problems and she doesn't judge me and she never tells anyone what you said. But she just doesn't seem to care anymore. It's like she has more fun with her other friends and she doesn't want to hang out with me. (I asked her about it and she said that wasn't the case. She said she had to be in a certain "mood" to hang out with certain people.) I called her a lot at the beginning of the summer but I eventually just gave up because she was always gone.

Should I just forget about her? Or should I try to keep the friendship going?




  1. forget about her!

  2. LOL, we look similar! But yeah, I'd say forget her.

  3. Honestly, the best way to go is to just forget about her. Your friend shouldn't be doing anything like that. She needs to also learn, that when she does that, she won't have any friends.

    Good luck!

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