Recently my husband and I haven't been close at all. I love him but am not "in love" with him and he knows this. A lot of his behavior is unacceptable to me (works nights and sleeps all day, messes up but doesn't clean up, compulsively spends money without regard to the kids needs, constantly ordering things online without concern for finances, etc.) We have 3 kids. I asked him if he was happy, he said he was unhappy about a lot of things but happy with me. I am unhappy about most things. I try to talk to him but he doesn't want to communicate. He said he feels like I am trying to control everything. I only want what's best for our family. I want to be financially stable and be able to provide for my kids. I am so lonely and want companionship. He says he is unhappy but makes no effort to change the things making him that way. Do I just stop caring what he does and take care of me and my kids? Will that make a difference? At this rate, with school starting, our girls will not see him until he tells them goodnight. It's not fair to me or them. What else can I do?