
Should I just marry him when he visits or go through the K1 process?

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For various reasons, we want to get married sooner rather than later. The distance is KILLING us!

He visits me in LA next month. Would it just be better to marry him then OR to WAIT for the K1 Visa? If we just absolutely cannot wait for the K1 to be processed, what are we up against????




  1. The distance is hard I know, but think about it this way:

    If he comes, gets married, stays and files to adjust his status and is then denied, he'll be deported and banned. The distance is going to seem a lot worse then, because you'll have to move to him or split up. Would you want to run that risk if the distance is killing you so much now?

    The legal processes are in place for a reason. They do take some time, but there is a lot of work that has to be done and a lot of people doing in.

    If you don't want to go down the K1 route, then you can get married when he comes across and when he returns to his come country, apply for a spousal visa. This can be just as long of a wait.

  2. he cannot enter the states to get married. that is illegal. visitor visa holder cannot get into the states with intention of getting married.  maybe you can, but if he apply for PR later then that can be risky. If immigration find out his entry record. even if you get married outside of the states (or maybe inside), you guys need to apply for K3. Then waiting time can be as long as that is for K1. I have just been granted for K1 so I know what process you need to go through.... though it took 8 months for us.

  3. If there is no reason for him to be denied permanent residence, then get married in front of a judge when he gets to LA.

    Also, you may want to talk with an immigration lawyer to determine the best decision for your particular circumstances.

  4. Go to You can look up wait times for his particular country as well as get advice from people who have experienced this first hand.

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