
Should I just pick out the ham?

by Guest32272  |  earlier

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I'm so hungry and my mom bought these microwaveable mac and cheese boxes and they have ham pieces in it and im obviously a vegetarian. Should I just pick them out?

Cause IM NOT going to eat them no matter how hungry i am




  1. No. Eat something else cause the fats have mixed with the rest. Maybe mention to Mom you're a vegetarian too so she can accommodate your dietary needs.

  2. It's really up to you.  If you're OK with it, I don't see anything wrong.  Throw it outside for the birds to eat so it doesn't go to waste.

  3. no, let somebody else in your household eat them.... eat something else.... it'll probably still have ham taste and ham fat in it, aside from that alone possibly being repulsive to you, if you do get any of the ham you'll probably end up sick.  not worth it!

  4. If your that worried about it just dont eat it.

  5. if you feel comfortable doing it, i dont see why you cant

  6. OMG - you are right on - not the same but I gave up meat for five years.  In the beginning I would try to convince myself that if I didnt eat the wontons or the pork at the bottom, that wonton soup was OK - it is NOT when you are not eating meat.  I can feel you - my family was LESS THEN SUPPORTIVE - always eating in front of me - meat, potatoesk, and cheese...

    My solution, though not necessarily healthy is to do one of these things:

    -Get a frozen veggie pizza - I think that Stoffers makes the best - cook and enjoy - I store these in plenty for this reason.

    -Get a REAL pizza - delivered in your home and to your tastings!!

    -EAT OUT

    good lluck -

  7. No.  If you feel bad about eating ham, then you should probably feel just as bad about the other ingredients contained in that package.  Just because you can visualize a pig with the ham, doesn't mean you shouldn't visualize all the other chemicals and animals that the mac and cheese box exploited.

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