
Should I just stop being a 'wussy' and just go for it?

by  |  earlier

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I want to do mma fight and train but for some crazy a** reason im afraid. I have no idea why. I've always wanted to do mma. Whats wrong with me?




  1. Nothing is wrong with you except fear of the unknown and lack of confidence which can simply be overcome by going to a class ,you wont be beat up or humiliated ,just attend and if you feel uncomfortable for any reason then don't go back you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Give it a go and see, best wishes :)***

  2. just jump into the lions cage.

  3. nothing is wrong with you, you are just not willing to do it. If you were then you would go ahead and take risks and worry afterword s you never no what good things might come out of it =)

  4. nothing is wrong with you. I'm a martial arts instructor and every person who comes in is nervous. What I recommend is find some place that seems like a good place to learn make some friends and get to know the people who train there. Soon you'll get regular training partners and feel perfectly comfortable with it.  Good luck with your MMA,

  5. Yes go for it, you're afraid because you know you'll get your *** kicked the first month or so until you get yourself trained to a decent level.

    Just realize that everyone goes through that and hopefully you'll be ok.

  6. just put the **** behind and go for it. you will look back and be glad that you did.

  7. Just try it.  If you're not cut out for it, you'll learn VERY quickly.

  8. Go for it! You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. You'll either love MMA and be on your way to fighting or you'll find that it's not for you and be able to focus on other things without this hanging over you head.

    Plus, tt's way easier to stop than it is to start,so if you find yourself not liking it, you can just stop showing up to class. It's way worse to waste a few days of your life and a bit of cash than to regret not doing something for the rest of your lief.

    Nothing's wrong with you, per se. Plenty of people don't immediately have the courage to pursue what they really want. The ability to overcome that fear is what separates the satisfied from the unfulfilled.

  9. don't be a p***y and go for it

  10. CAUSE ITS SCARY but if thats what you wanna do then you should def go do it! You just have to think of it differently then scary! Good Luck

  11. if you're prepared to fight meaning in the right shape and good enough skill then stop being a *****

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