
Should I just stop wasting my time in R&S?

by Guest21212  |  earlier

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What do people in other countries do for fun when their not all caught up in elections and never ending debates on where is god?




  1. Haha.

    Since there are different Y!A's I think people in other countries do the same.

    There's a whole list,just look down at the bottom.  

  2. No, its not a waster of time here.  There's lots to be learned and shared here.

  3. Well, football season just started.

  4. Hockey, lol.

    Yes, we are probably wasting our time.  But then again, I find it cleansing.  It's also fun, and I never cease to be amazed at what people believe.

    It also cements beliefs I already have.

  5. no, its a productive waste of time, as you are still learning, socialising and helping others in the process as well as having some fun and wasting some time

    i do this for fun, i draw, sing, listen to music, eat, love, create, stress, wonder, philosiphyse, learn, read and watch endless amounts of tv

    i think thats what most of the world does


  6. Only you can determine if you are in fact wasting your time.  So I can't really say yes or no.  I think people in other countries go fishing.  

  7. Just think about all the laughs and good memories we all have here on R&S.

    lol i actually think that the majority of us need to get a life.

  8. R&S is all in good fun.  It's like a BBQ without food.  Some people remain positive no matter what, and some people just wish to extend their discomfort to others.  All in all, it's a great  fun way to waste time, and learn a little about the faith of others.

  9. Why isn't the entertainment enough ?

  10. Even "waisting time" can serve a purpose.  You have a lot of questions (this means you are smart)  Maybe just a little too hard on yourself.

  11. fail !

  12. It's great to be here in R&S. You get a lot of different points of views. On this topic. Some of them humorous.  

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