
Should I keep a preist by my side while playing with a ouija board?

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In case a deamon appears.




  1. No, you'll be outnumbered.


  2. no  but you should not use the board either.

  3. Ghosts, hauntings, séances, tarot cards, Ouija boards, crystal balls—what do they have in common? They are fascinating to most people because they seem to open the window into a curious and unknown world that lies beyond the limits of our physical existence. And to many, such things seem no more dangerous than opening a window in their homes.

    Many that approach these subjects from non-biblical perspectives talk about the existence of ghosts and hauntings by the spirits of dead people who, for whatever reason, have not gone on to the “next stage.” These same people talk about three different kinds of hauntings: (1) residual hauntings (likened to video playbacks with no actual interaction with any spirits); (2) hauntings by human spirits, with those spirits being a combination of good and bad (but not evil), similar in nature to people we meet in life. Some may simply want to get a person’s attention, others may be pranksters, but in either case they do not truly harm people; and (3) interaction with non-human spirits or demons. These demons can sometimes masquerade as well-intentioned human spirits, but they are harmful and dangerous.

  4. Sure if he likes playing games.

  5. No demon will appear when you play the ouija board.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  It does not communicate with the dead and it does not contact spirits.  It does not open any portals to the underworld or to anywhere else.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.

  6. It is dangerous to have a priest by your side.  Don't you watch the news?

  7. Why?  I don't have a priest by my side when I play Monopoly and it's made by the same company.

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