
Should I keep following him?

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My master in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu), says that he has training in Martial arts training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu), Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan, Muay Thai, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Hapkido, Aikido, and Maharlika Kuntaw, however he told me that I would have to register as a lethal weapon when I got my yellow belt. Is this right? He also said for my yellow belt testing I will have to do 50 diamond push ups with him on my back, and defense myself in a stret fight aganst teh followers of Bruce Lee and I am scared because they say he was the best there evre was, btu my master says I can use my bladed numchuckas which will help but I am not aloowed to use any of my Ninja!!!!!!!!!!!! killing stuff which wilt make it hard 4 me to pass. Is all of this true? I have great respect for my master but sometims he seams like he is makingg stuff up. Please help me.




  1. what??????????????????

  2. no hes lying to you

  3. must you also catch a bullet in your teeth??


    Look at the bear's butt on the right side at about 1:12 thats what he's feeding you....

  5. How dare you question your master.  You are not worthy of his training.

  6. Find another instructor.  You must be making this up or your instructor is pulling your leg.

  7. *cough* *B*U*L*L*S*H*I*T*!*  *Cough*

    Ahem. . .

    Your instructor is feeding you a line and you are paying him $$$.

    There is no way someone of this pedigree ever achieved any sort of proficiency in Aikido, or he would know better than to claim it.

    Check out a real Aikido dojo, and learn what traditional martial arts instruction means - not one of these buy a belt jokers who just bust your balls and take your money.

  8. Nuff said captain douchebag

  9. There are still no laws in the USA that require people to register as a lethal weapon when they learn martial arts.  As for the other stuff, I can't answer that.

  10. Just do whatever he says. Look it's really simple; he trains in EIGHT freakin' styles. And everyone knows that the more styles you train in, the better. Whoever your master is must be, like, a god at fighting. He could probably even take the bane of MMA, Kimbo Slice.  


    Dude, you should really consider being a stand-up comedian, cause that complete load of c**p you just said was really freakin funny.

  12. sounds like a  load of total bull to me i concur with the majority here

  13. wow I guess your teacher must be awesome! or its all bullshit.

  14. You should keep following him, yes.  He is giving you some quality advice.

    However I would be very leary if he ever shows up to the bridge you live under yielding a torch.

    Then you are in trouble.

  15. NEVER question Yo Master FOOOOOOL   !!!!

  16. Umm that pretty much just sounds on par with Bujinkan. I mean they teach bone breaking, grappling, striking, weapons, and killing blows.. it is essentially the most complete style there is. Because as we know Ninjas were the bane of the battlefield, they had to fight constantly, in black pajamas and Tabis.

    I imagine with all the other skills you instructor has given you, you can use Tactical MMA and just beat everyone down without having to use your killing moves...

    Because after all, you know striking, grappling, joint locks, chokes, pressure point strikes, and every move under the sun....

    I would say if you could sneak off and take two weeks of Krav Maga, this test should be no problem for you.

  17. dude he are so joking

    1. diamonds with your teacher on your back?????????? crazy

    2. followers of bruce lee dont fight unless its necessary

    3. Bruce lee's followers could defeat anyone except for bruce lee himself

    4 Wtf is with people and 11 punches in 1 second ITS NOT POSSIBLE

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