
Should I keep my new SLR Camera?

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I just bought a Sony SLR a200 today. I don't really know a whole lot about these cameras, but I thought this is what I wanted. The more I read about this camera, the more I realize this isn't for me. I have a Sony cyber shot 8.1mp already. I have a two year old son and when I take his picture with the cybershot the are usually blurred. I just thought the shutter speed was too slow and it could not handle my sons constant movement. This made me believe a SLR was the way to go for me. Now I'm not sure, it just seems like too much. It is so big and you have to put your eye to the lens to view. Should I return the SLR and just get a better point and shoot? Or should I keep the SLR? Thanks for all your help! :)




  1. You need to give it a chance before you take it back!   You can put it on Auto, or maybe it has a kIds and pets function, or as someone else said, on the sports setting.  Whichever you put it  on, it is going to be way faster than a point & shoot.  There is always a lag with the p&s and that is why you  get blurring.   With a DSLR, the picture is taken instantly.  

    When you get used to using the viewfinder to take pictures, you will find that it is much easier to steady the camera holding it up to your face than holding a p&s out in front of you.  It's just a matter of learning how to use it until it feels comfortable to you.    

    Do you have a community college in your city?  Many times they have classes in photography for a very small fee.  When you know more about the camera, you will have the ability to use the manual controls and really have a good time with that camera!   Don't give up so soon!   A DSLR is way better than a point & shoot!

  2. i think you should return the SLR and maybe find another camera that deals with lots of movements better with the money. if you have to look into the lens to see it, your son probably wont think its convient anyway and he'll think your cyber shots funner to use :)

  3. Put the camera into sports mode,"the image of someone running" this will produce good pictures if the flash is enabled. You have to pull it up.

  4. depends on how good of pics you wana take. try a canon  Powershot SD1000 Digital Elph

    thats the one i have and it takes really good pics, i actually sell them

    its really thin

    it has a lot of options, from different colors to different ways of shooting, it even has macro mode for getting really up close

    i love my camera.

    its 7.1MP

  5. The difference between an SLR and a point and shoot is not really the megapixels.  The biggest plus with an SLR is that you can change the shutter speed.  There's usually a sport setting on the digital SLRs, and those have higher shutter speeds.  On top of that, there's auto focus.  Another big thing is that the SLRs capture the image much, much faster, when there's usually a lag in the capture time iwth a point and shoot.  

    My advice: If you need the money, take it back.  If you can afford it, hang onto it and find someone you know that is good with cameras to explain some things to you.  If you live in Kentucky, I'd be happy to explain things!  There are probably quite a few websites online that would give you the info you need as well.  The store will most likely charge you a restocking fee at the very least.  Try it out for a few days, read the manual, see if you can figure it out.  They're much, much better cameras.  

    Hope that helps!

  6. SLRs are great, if you know how to use them - or better yet, have the time to learn.  I opted for a combination camera.  I just purchased the Canon G9 and you can use it as a point and shoot camera.  Or, you can remove the small lens that it comes with and add on full lenses.  However, I doubt there will ever be a need to buy one of the larger lenses unless you plan on taking photos from very long distances.  This is an excellent camera that has tons of options.  BTW - I have an SLR and still use it, but it's a film version.  I prefer my G9 and can't remember the last time I picked it up.

  7. You should keep it. You can keep very professional results with such a camera, just put the camera on the Auto mode, or the portrait mode. You don't have to use the M mode, and make things more confusing. The image quality can't be compared in the least. The A200's photographs are going to be much better.

    Just keep this camera, you won't regret it. also, you can go outside, take photographs of your son, and be absolutely happy with the results. What drove you to buy this camera in the first place? just keep this camera, it'll grow with you. You can also go outside and get some really creative shots. You didn't waste your money.

    Point and shoots suck, i just got rid of my digital point and shoot, and i'm glad, i LOVE My digital SLR the photographs are just that much better, and clearer.  

  8. The Sony DSLR cameras will do what you want ... fully adjustable shutter speed and aperture with a sensor at least 15 times larger than your old Sony P&S.

    What you need to do it take a class or two to learn how to use the camera.   The P&S is a nearly fully automatic camera with not much operator control ... the DSLR is a fully adjustable camera ... at the other end of the picture making spectrum.

  9.   IF you are looking for something simple to snap pictures of your son or Christmas morning then an SLR might be too much.  Before deciding what camera to buy my daughter I checked out

    It's a cool site that reviews just about any camera you can think of.

    From my personal experience:

    I finally decided on an Pentax Optio.  This camera has been fantastic.  It's simple to use but does have some little extras.  I printed pictures in a pro lab for almost 20 years so when I see bad color or brightness on a pic it bugs me.  Out of 2500 shots...there may have been 10 that I had to do any corrections on. ( I now use it more than my daughter)

    Here's some pics I took with the camera...none have been corrected in

    any way.

    Hope all of this helps you.

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