
Should I keep old credit reports for any reason???

by  |  earlier

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My situation is that I am doing some financial document organizing and came across some old credit reports and was wondering if there any reason that I should keep old credit reports? I have credit reports dating back to 2004 and if there is any reason to keep these reports for any reason... I can't think of any reason but maybe someone out there in the Yahoo! Answers community has a reason




  1. Yes.....If you've had credit problems......Sometimes collection agencies will change/re-age the original date of delinquency on defaulted accounts (if you've had any). Old reports could be used to challenge this activity.

    RE: is not free. is the REAL free site.

  2. Yes you should.  If something magically appeared on your report as a negative or collection that was illegally reaged, the only way you could prove it is by a past credit report!  Keep them for at least 7.5 years.

  3. Hi KC, Yes keep all pd bills credit reports etc for 7 years before discarding them.  Jk

  4. F-R-E-E that spells free. credit report dot com baybeee!

  5. I really don't see any reason to keep your reports that long, unless you want to look at old nostalga, and see the before and after of how your credit has improve etc.  But no get rid of them, they serve no purpose now.

  6. I only keep the previous year,. The rest I put in the shredder.

  7. No, there's no need to keep those (starting) 2004 credit reports at all..

  8. I dont know why but they say you should always keep all kinds of records like that no matter how old just in case you need reference or something like that.

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